Monday, August 29, 2005

Some days you get the Road Runner...

Just a short post to say I'm having a Wile E. Coyote day. You know the kind? It's when, no matter how clever you are, you always seem to wind up face down eating canyon dust.

I did have something more brilliant to say that was bright and witty and made me laugh. "I must write that down," I thought, "right after I finish washing the dishes."

Needless to say, I waited too long, my "half-heimers" kicked in, and posterity will have to wait until that brain cell revives.

Road Runner anyone?



Cara King said...

Reminds me of one of my favorite dumb Star Trek quotes:

"Brain? What is brain?"



TJ Bennett said...

Is this another geek check if I can tell you what episode that's from? (Spock's Brain).


Cara King said...

Guess so, Thieme! :-)
