Saturday, January 30, 2010

Unclaimed Random Freebies given to new winners! Is it you?

Hi, everyone! Since two of the previous random freebie winners did not claim their prizes, according to my rules, I'm selecting two new winners from my list of eligibles. Remember, even if you leave your e-mail address on your comment, I will not contact you to notify you of your win. In other words, return visits to my blog are their own reward, heh heh. Winners must contact me with a snail mail address at tjb @ tjbennett . com (no spaces) to claim their prizes. The winners below have until Wednesday, February 3, 2010, to do so.

1. siNn - Knight of Pleasure
2. Jane - Divorced, Desperate and Deceived (this is the Jane who commented 4:16 PM, January 22, 2010).

Contact me soon! If these folks don't claim their prizes by Feb 3, then I will select other winners, so stay tuned.

Sheesh. Never had so much trouble giving away good books before...grumble grumble....


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Clock's ticking, Random Freebie winners...

Still waiting to hear from two of our random freebie winners. Remember, you only have until Friday to send me an e-mail claiming your prize. Include your snail mail address. If I don't hear from you, I'll have to give your prize away to another eligible winner. Donnas has claimed Beguiled; I'm still waiting to hear from these winners:

1. Busy Bee - Knight of Pleasure
2. J K Maze - Divorced, Desperate, and Deceived

Hustle up!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Random Freebie Winners!

I've chosen the winners for my latest Random Freebie contest, and they are as follows:

1. Busy Bee - Knight of Pleasure
2. J K Maze - Divorced, Desperate, and Deceived
3. donnas - Beguiled

Congratulations, everyone, on winning these great books! However, you have one more step. You need to claim your prize by sending me an e-mail with your mailing address to tjb @ tjbennett . com (no spaces) by Friday, January 29, 2010, or I will be forced *sob* to give your prize away to another eligible participant. So don't delay, claim your prize today!

Stay tuned for more good stuff and giveaways at IMHO soon. I'm organizing my pre-Valentine's Week event, and I know you'll want to be front and center for that from February 7 - 13, when we engage in a week-long discussion of why smart women (and men) read romance, from some very "smart" guest bloggers. We'll give away prizes, too, to smart IMHO readers who hang out with us that week.

I've already seen the posts from two of the menfolk (one a former Romance Writers of America chapter president who solves cyber crimes in his professional life, the other a Golden Heart finalist with a PhD in economics and a black belt in karate); they're fascinating, and you really don't want to miss what these smart guys who read romance have to say about it.

Take care,

Friday, January 22, 2010

Psst! I'm giving away some random freebies!

It's our secret, okay? I've got some random freebies to give away, and I've even got one you aren't supposed to be able to buy yet...AND it's signed by the authors. But don't TELL anyone, for goodness' sake!

Here's the rules: leave a comment telling me which books, in order, you'd most like to win. I've got three, listed herewith:

1. DIVORCED, DESPERATE, AND DECEIVED by Christie Craig - The latest in her light romantic suspense DD&D series, autographed!

2. KNIGHT OF PLEASURE by Margaret Mallory - (unsigned); second book in the "All the King's Men" series from a new historical romance author. This beautiful cover was the winner over at The Season Blog last month.

3. BEGUILED by Deeanne Gist and J. Mark Bertrand - signed by the authors and not yet released in stores (I have connections, heh heh). What happens when an inspirational romance author and an acclaimed debut crime novelist get together? This unique contemporary romantic suspense!

US and Canada addresses only. Follow the rules, please, as only those who are eligible will be placed in the prize pool. Prizes will be awarded on Monday, January 25, 2010. You must return to the blog to see if you won, so be sure to come back on Monday.

Leave your comments now!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Under the Radar Romances

The Seasons Blog is asking about romances deserving recognition that have flown "under the radar" for lack of buzz, promotion, bookstore shelf space, etc. If you'd like to add a comment or suggest a book she should give attention to (*cough cough*), stop on over.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

New event planned for Valentine's Week!

Hi, folks!

Just wanted to give you a head's up that I have a fantastic event in the making for Valentine's Week. I'll let you know as soon as the whole thing is locked down solid, but I was inspired to do a special event for the most romantic week of the year when a dear friend found herself in the position of having to defend her right to read romance recently to a mocking naysayer.

If you are a romance reader who has ever been made fun of by others (or feared that you would be), or called "dumb" or "undiscerning" because you love to read "those trashy books" with all the other desperate housewives sitting around in curlers eating ice cream out of the carton with a spoon, you'll want to check in with IMHO the week of Feb 7 - 13. You'll also want to direct the naysayers to this blog that week, because I rounded up a bunch of smart romance-reading folks who have an answer to all of those other folks who put loyal romance readers down. From a university professor to a cyber-crime specialist; from a former pentagon military officer to a PhD in Theocentric business and ethics; from a database administrator to a doctor of psychology, and and your detractors will be in for a few surprises.

Stay tuned, because you'll want to know the kinds of smart women--and men--who read romance. And yes, there will be prizes!


Saturday, January 09, 2010

Winners of the "Dang it's Cold" Random Freebies!

We have our winners, folks!

Dyockman of San Diego, CA, you are the winner with the warmest temp of 76F degrees. You will receive To Desire a Devil by Elizabeth Holt.
Chey of Red Lake, ON, you are the winner with the lowest temp of -30C (-22F). You will receive Wicked All Day by Liz Carlyle.

You have until Wednesday, Jan 13, to contact me with your mailing address to claim your prize. Winners were chosen from all eligible entries (i.e., you followed my directions). Congratulations! I do love it when people do what I command.

Stay tuned, because I visited my RWA chapter this weekend, and I bought three luscious, brand new releases, a couple even autographed, and I'm going to give them away when I'm darned good and ready. Heh heh heh. I get to pick when 'cause I paid good money for these--no donations this time. Although, admittedly, there is no such thing as bad money...

I so enjoy toying with you folks.

See you soon!


Friday, January 08, 2010

"Dang, it's COOOLD" Random Freebie Giveaway

I'm laughing here in Houston, folks, because it's 25 degrees. I'm not laughing because it's cold, but because of the Houstonian's reaction to it. Now, understand that we are about 20 degrees lower than normal right now, so I get that. It is cold. But Houstonians are freaking out. I mean, it's just COLD, fer crying out loud. It's not even going to rain! Not even sleeting, snowing, storming, or hailing, although I did see a little puddle on the side of the road that had iced over a little. A group I belong to decided to cancel their monthly meeting because it was predicted to have a low in the 20's. Sheesh. My feeling is, put on an extra sweater, a jacket, don a pair of gloves, and you're all set.:-)

I used to live in Los Angeles, and they were the same way about rain. Gridlock, school closings, mass hysteria, dogs mating with cats, the moon crashing into the Earth: you name it--and that was with a summer shower!

But, it is a good excuse for me to give away some free books. So, just to let you know I'm still around and giving stuff away, I've got unsigned copies of Liz Carlyle's WICKED ALL DAY and Elizabeth Hoyt's TO DESIRE A DEVIL to give away. All you have to do is respond to this post and tell me how cold or hot it is where you live today. The person with the coldest low temp and the person with the warmest high temp wins (and I WILL check, so no fibbing). Include in your comment which of the two books you'd like to win when you respond. US and Canada mailing addresses only, please. I'll select a winner by 8pm tomorrow, January 9, 2010. [Note: date corrected. Apparently, I went a week into the future for a moment, it was so cold.]

Good luck!