Friday, March 27, 2009

TODAY last official day to comment for the "I LOVE ME SOME HISTORICALS" gift basket!

Okay, folks, this is it. The last official comment date for the gift basket. Tomorrow, I'll be pulling the name from all eligible entries and awarding the "I LOVE ME SOME HISTORICALS" gift basket! See a picture of the basket here. See our guest hosts for the month of March here: Kim Lenox, Lisa Marie Wilkinson, Victoria Dahl, and Stacey Kayne. See something to make you snort soda through your nose here (not for the contest, but just for a laugh).

Leave a comment for at least TWO authors on the list (the more authors you leave comments for, the better your odds of winning) and come back March 28. The winner's name should be posted by the evening (Saturdays are a bit hectic at my house, but I guarantee unless the Internet goes down, I'll get that winner's name up by that evening). The winner will have until April 1st to contact me through my website address ( and let me know where to send the basket or I will have to pull another name. (Visit my contest page for all the details.)

Good luck!

And be sure to check back frequently as I work feverishly on booking other guests for my blog.

News Flash!: I've just confirmed the incredible Deanna Raybourn, RITA winner and author of the Julia Grey mystery series, as my guest host for May 6th. Something to look forward to, and don't you just love that Nicholas Brisbane? Sighhhh....



sarah said...

Okay okay okay.... I'm commenting TJ.

;D Hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Hi TJ, I love me some historicals and I think I have commented on about every post. You think that will work.

TJ Bennett said...

Well, Virginia, come back on March 28 to find out. :-) Good luck.

And Sarah, see how I have you doing my bidding? MWAH-ha-ha...


Pam P said...

I Love Me Some Historicals!

Several of the girls on my reading group keep recommending Deanna's books, finally got one downloaded to my Kindle to try.

Have a great weekend.

Margay Leah Justice said...

This was a great week!

Emma said...

Have a great weekend."I LOVE ME SOME HISTORICALS.

TJ Bennett said...

Pam, isn't the Kindle TO DIE for? I just got one, and don't know how I lived without it. My book collection was pushing me out of my house. Although there are still some books I must have in print--like the Julia Grey series.

Margay, this HAS been quite a week, hasn't it? Oh, and I just confirmed Carrie Lofty for April 8! She's another author of unusual historicals, and in fact, founded the Unusual Historicals blog which I am guesting on sometime in May (need to check the date).

Emma, I'm right with you. I love me some historicals, too, but then, I love me ALL romance genres. :-)