Can I have a cinnamon roll, please? (Not as healthy as a drum roll, but much tastier):
Congratulations! You are the winner of March’s “I LOVE ME SOME HISTORICALS” gift basket filled with historical romances by Kim Lenox, Lisa Marie Wilkinson, Victoria Dahl, Stacey Kayne, and yours truly, TJ Bennett! Not to mention the $20 gift certificate from Amazon.com and even a book light by which to read your collection of new books. Raven99, you have until April 1st to contact me at my e-mail, tjb @ tjbennett . com (no spaces). If I don't hear from you by then, I'll select another winner from all eligible participants.
This has been a great contest, folks. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. If you loved this contest but didn't win, I'll have another one starting up on April 8. In the meantime, if you are interested in hearing about events here, be sure to sign up for my newsletter at the top of the page. I'll notify you of contests, new releases, reviews, or booksignings that might be of interest to you.
The winner of April’s contest will get a “COFFEE, CHOCOLATE & ROMANCE” gift basket filled with a $25 gift certificate for his or her choice of See’s Candy chocolates and a one-pound bag of coffee beans for a delightful “coffee and chocolate” buzz while reading one’s favorite romance novels. Confirmed guests are listed below.
April 8 Unusual Historicals blog founder Carrie Lofty, the Kensington Zebra Debut author of What a Scoundrel Wants, an intriguing tale of Will Scarlett and his lady love.
April 15 Madeline Hunter, best-selling (New York Times, Publishers Weekly, USA Today), multi-published, and RITA-award winning author of historical romance.
April 22 Anna Louise Lucia, Romantic Times BOOKReview top pick (4.5 stars) and Medallion Press author of romantic suspense.
April 29 Emily Bryan, multi-published author of light-hearted historical romance.
(Deanna Raybourn has already confirmed for May 6th).
One of my goals is to introduce you to not only established authors, but rising stars and debut authors as well. I'll keep brainstorming and see what other combinations I can come up with in the future. Until next time, this is your humble servant, TJ Bennett, signing off.
http://myspace.com/tjbennettauthor (friend me!)
The Legacy (available now) When secrets destroy, can love live on?
The Promise (May 2009) In a dangerous world, sometimes the greatest risk is love....
Congratulations! These baskets are the best - I love mine.
Congratulations, Raven!
Yay! Thank you! I just sent you an email.
Raven99, congratulations! E-mail received and I will get the basket in the mail to you next week. Enjoy!
Huge congrats, Raven99, and happy reading! Thanks again, TJ!
You're welcome, flchen1. And stay tuned for tomorrow, because I'll be announcing my April contest. You'll all like it--legal addictions abound. :-)
Congrats, Raven!
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