Wednesday, November 25, 2009

IMHO Welcomes Anthea Lawson!

Anthea Lawson is the pseudonym for a husband-wife team who writes spicy Victorian romance. Romantic Times Book Reviews said of their debut novel, PASSIONATE, in which James Huntington leads artist Lily Strathmore and her eccentric, lovable family in search of a fabled bloom, "an offbeat adventure romance…readers will enjoy the wordplay and intriguing characters as they search for a mysterious plant." PASSIONATE was nominated for a Best First Book RITA in 2009.

Their newest book, ALL HE DESIRES, is being called "luscious," "sweeping," and "a powerful love story."  In DESIRES, a self-exiled physician meets the only woman who can bring him from darkness into the light. Romantic Times Book Reviews says, “This husband-and-wife team’s second novel sweeps from the shores of Crete to the streets of London… readers will enjoy the characters and the beautiful descriptions in this nice tale.” Coffeetime Romance says, "[The reviewer] find this to be a wonderful example of historical romance. Ms. Lawson tells a powerful love story and draws the reader in within the first chapter. This tale comes with a high recommendation from this reviewer.”

Musicians as well as writers, the two have recorded many CDs, including several with their Celtic band Fiddlehead (follow the link to hear a sample). They invite you to find them on FaceBook (Anthea Lawson), follow them on Twitter (AntheaLawson) and visit their website for all their latest news!

IMHO: Welcome, Anthea and Lawson. Thank you both for being here today. What is it you are thankful for this year?

AL: Thank you, TJ, for having us here at IMHO. We hope that everyone has a marvelous Thanksgiving, with plenty of time for reading!

There are many layers of thankfulness. We are thankful for health and family, for a sun break on a cloudy November day, for the often unrecognized bounty that surrounds each and every one of us. There are also things we are specifically thankful for as authors – the fact that our books are published, that we are part of a team writing together, that our debut novel was nominated for a best first book RITA. But there’s one thing we are absolutely, humbly grateful for, above all.

Our readers.

Like the one who sent us e-mail at 4am because she had stayed up all night to finish the book and couldn’t wait to tell us how moved by it she had been. The one who stopped at page 117 to write us a quick note because she was enjoying the story so much. The ones who take the time to write and post reviews that are beautiful pieces of writing in their own right.

Authors get their books out there, and then they hope. They hope that the stories move and delight readers. They hope that others will be as swept away as they were by the hero and heroine’s journey, feel the emotions, and bring the characters to life through the magic of the imagination. Getting published isn't the goal, it’s just a step toward the real goal – reaching readers’ hearts.

So, for everyone who has ever loved a book, gotten swept away to another world and let the story transport you – you are the reason we write.

Thank you.

IMHO: Wonderfully said, and a lovely way to wind up the month.

Okay, IMHO readers, let's make this one an easy one. Who does the cooking in your house for Thanksgiving? You? Your spouse? Your mother-in-law? Honey Baked Ham? And what is the favorite all-time dish that person(s) makes?

Leave a comment until November 29, 2009, for Anthea Lawson and at least one other guest host this month for a chance to win the "Giving Thanks" tote bag full of love on November 30, 2009. The winner will receive signed books by all of this month's guest authors: Sherry Thomas, Tracy Madison, Jessica Trapp, and Anthea Lawson; an autographed copy of my historical romance, THE PROMISE; and a $20 gift card from Barnes and Noble. Rules for the contest can be found at my website's contest page.

Remember, Thanksgiving Day I'll announce the winner of the "Thank-y! Thank-y!" tote. It's turning out to be a fantabulous tote bag of love, with signed books from (as of this writing) previous 2009 guests Colleen Thompson, Kim Lenox, Lisa Marie Wilkinson, Trish Albright, Karen Young, and Kim Frost, as well as signed books from authors Michelle Dunaway and Kylie Brant (contents of the tote subject to change). All comments received on any post by November 25 are eligible to win.
Whatever bag our winners receive, they'll have plenty to give thanks for, that's fer shur. Good luck!



Linda Henderson said...

I've heard wonderful things about this book. I can't wait to read it.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Oh, what a great post from Anthea and Lawson! They've made a fan out of me, that's for sure.

No need to enter me, TJ. I'm dropping in to say thanks for the mail. I've got this up at Win a Book for you.

Carol M said...

This sounds like a book I would really enjoy!

My daughter-in-law and son are hosting Thanksgiving this year. She will make the turkey and everyone else will bring a dish so she doesn't have to do all the work. The stuffing and the pumpkin pie are my favorites.

mittens0831 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!! I've been lucky the last few years ad only had to make a few side dishes. My sister has been buying the turkey and my niece cooks it. I also don't do Turkey Day at my house so I'm able to clean and get ready to do holiday decorating this wk-end. My fav food will be the turkey and then my DD's pumpkin pies, made from squash!!! Thanks, Sue

jcp said...

Ilove the sides thw best.

Amber E. said...

Hi! Congratulations on the release of your new book.

This year both my parents are doing the cooking for Thanksgiving. My favorite dish is my Dad's homemade stuffing. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

Virginia C said...

Happy Thanksgiving! A very nice, heartfelt post by Anthea Lawson!I have a very small family, and I do all the cooking. One of our favorite holiday foods is cornbread stuffing made with Swanson broth, real butter, celery & onions, and poultry seasoning. I am very thankful for what I do have, and I try not to worry about what I don't have.

gcwhiskas at aol dot com

cheryl c said...

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We are headed to my mother-in-law's house tomorrow. It's about a 2-hour drive. The whole family gathers, and there are about 17 of us. My MIL does the turkey, and I always bring a honey-baked ham and a hash brown potato casserole. Everyone else brings other side dishes and desserts. We will have plenty to eat. What I hate is the clean-up afterwards! :-)

castings at mindspring dot com

Anonymous said...

We're going to my mother's for Thanksgiving, so no cooking for me. However, the following Saturday we're having some people over, but doing lasagna instead of anything traditional.

The Scarf Princess said...

My mom is the cook for all holiday meals. And after so many years of being the head chef she is definitely an expert. My favorite things she makes are the stuffing and the maple syrup/Jack Daniels/mashed sweet potatoes. Yummy-yummy!

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

Anthea Lawson said...

We're hosting this year - Anthea's Dad, brothers and sister and a new baby niece. Luckily most of Anthea's family are really good cooks. The kitchen will be hopping!

Thanks for the comments so far! Feel free to post any questions you may have for us - we'll be in and out all day (some last-minute grocery shopping to do!)

Jane said...

Congrats on the new release, Anthea. I don't do the cooking so I can just sit and watch TV. My dad usually does the cooking. My cousin does the cooking if we have the dinner at my aunt's house. Happy Thanksgiving.

s7anna said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

squiresj said...

I love what I read here. I had not heard of you as an author until now. I love historical books but not paranormal.
At my house my husband and I both cook together. This year for Thanksgiving I will cook at my daughter's house and her Mother-in-law will fix some of the stuff too.
We are celebrating on Friday instead of tomorrow as my husband works on Thanksgiving and he works nights.
I will be thankful if the kids make it there safely as their Mom is stirring up trouble.
please enter me to win

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I have been hearing a lot about this book on the net lately and I can't wait to read it.

I will be going to my MIL tomorrow and have been preparing dishes to take with me today! Then this Saturday I will be cooking a dinner for my family and my sister will cook the Christmas dinner. I love getting together with my family, we live close to my husbands family but my family lives a bit father away so I really enjoy it when they come to visit. The dinner will be a lot of work but it will be worth it.

Mari said...

Anthea, your blog tour has done the trick...I will have to get a copy. Historicals are my first love in the romance genre, it will never go out of style for me.

TJ Bennett said...

Anthea, I have a question: I can't even get my Dear Hubby to read my romances. How on earth did you (Anthea) convince Lawson to write a romance with you? Or was it the other way around? Just curious. :-)


CherylS22 said...

How wonderful to be able to co-write a book with your spouse. I'm sure it's a special kind of collaboration & provides a unique perspective in your novels. Can't wait to read one.

Margay Leah Justice said...

We usually spend the day at my sister's, but everyone contributes food so she doesn't have to do it all. This year, my daughter and I are doing lasagna, my niece is cooking the turkey ad potatoes, my mother is doing pies, etc.


Anthea Lawson said...

Mari - Glad we hooked you! Let us know what you think of the book~

TJ - We have collaborated for many years in our music-making. Writing together was a natural extension of that. Anthea started the novel, then Lawson read it and had *lots* of things to say. Thus the co-authorship was born. :D

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!

robynl said...

a powerful story that draws the reader in: a must-read by the sounds of it and a joyful read also.

Canada has had their Thanksgiving; I contributed a jelly salad and a cucumber salad for ours. Happy


librarypat said...

Wonderful interview. I hopped over and listened to the samples of your Fiddlehead tracks. very good. Do you perform on the east coast and do you sell your books as well as CD's when you perform? I find it interesting that you are both so talented in both writing and music. What a wonderful combination. Hope you both and TJ have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

librarypat said...

T J, thank you for having such a wonderful blog and introducing us to these enjoyable authors!
I hope you have a truly wonderful and happy Thanksgiving.

Pam P said...

Can't wait to read your new story, Anthea and Lawson, I was impressed with your debut book.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends everyone. I'm not really into cooking but luckily have sisters who are, and they send me home with lots of yummy leftovers. Favorite is one sister's apple pie, and some years she hides a whole one away for me to take home, lol.

TJ Bennett said...

Thanks to everyone who left comments for Anthea Lawson today, and for those of you who commented all month long. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winner of the "Giving Thanks" tote on Nov 30. You have until Nov 29 to leave comments for all of our guests hosts this month for a chance to win the tote.

Tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, I'll award the "Thank-y! Thank-y!" tote bag. Check in for that as well.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day, folks! And a BIG THANK YOU to Anthea Lawson for participating today.


Anthea Lawson said...

We had a great time, TJ, thanks!

Librarypat, we mostly perform in the Northwest, and so far have had one signing in Barnes & Noble where we played music as well as signed and sold books and CDs. Multitasking at its finest! We have yet to sell books at our concerts - have to give that a try. :)

Thank you all so much for the great comments, the congrats, and the kind words. Happy holidays!

Jackie said...

Waiting for the Turkey and stuffing to cook and oh what a fun post from TJ and Anthea to start off my day..
Please enter me if not too late for the big one, sounds like a rollicking good read....

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading the comments. Iam allways looking for different authors to read and have added Althea's name to my TBR list

Monica Corwin said...

I haven't read this one yet, but I want to now.
