We're back with our next guest, award winning, multi-published category romance author Linda Warren!
At eighteen Linda Warren was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, but she hasn’t let that stop her from accomplishing her dream of writing for Harlequin. In January her twenty-fifth book, a Harlequin Super Romance, will be released. She also writes for Harlequin American and Super Everlasting.
RITA® nominated and a Waldenbook’s Series Bestseller, Linda has won the Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice award, The Golden Quill, The Texas Gold, The Aspen Gold, The Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, More Than Magic Award, The Bookseller’s Best Award and The Bookbuyer’s Best Award. Her books have been published in nine languages.
Drawing upon her years of growing up on a farm/ranch in Smetana, Texas, Linda writes about sexy cowboys, feisty heroines, and broken families with an emotional punch, all set against the backdrop of Texas. She now lives in College Station, Texas, not far from her birth, with her husband, Billy, and spends her days doing what she loves—creating unforgettable love stories.
IMHO: So, Linda, what’s your take on our theme for the month?
LW: Ah, this kiss, this kiss…
As I thought about this blog, it brought back memories of that first kiss, that special kiss and the kiss that made me go “ah,” and how important they were. It’s all about “the kiss.” It’s a sign of affection for another person and it affects our lives daily. As an author I’m sure my experiences has been relived in my books (unconsciously, of course).
When I was about twelve, I sat behind a boy named Joey in homeroom. I loved his curly blond hair and his bright blue eyes. I thought he was gorgeous. My first crush. At the end of the school year, Joey and I sat together for lunch at the park on a field trip. Dreamy. As we got up to throw away our trash, he suddenly kissed me. I was shocked and in a panic. I was afraid someone had seen and then the teacher would tell my parents. It might not have been so bad, but he kissed me like my dog did: wet and sloppy. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. Geez, a girl needs a little warning. School ended and Joey with the gorgeous eyes and hair moved away. Just as well. Suddenly Joey wasn’t that attractive anymore. It’s all about the kiss.

When I was seventeen, I found him. He and his buddies were home from the National Guard and they crashed the wedding of a friend. There was beer, they’d heard, and they wanted beer and girls. They were getting ready to deploy to Cuba and were looking for a good time. He was older, different, and wow, did he catch my attention. He had dark, dark eyes, midnight eyes. Here’s how I described those eyes in Caitlyn’s Prize, July ‘09 (dark-eyed heroes show up in my books a lot).
His hair was dark brown, his eyes darker. She'd once called them "midnight magic." Their color rivaled the darkest night, and magic was what she'd felt when he'd looked at her.
Remember it vividly.
He asked me out and, yes, I found my Jimmy Stewart kisser. And the rest, as they say, is history. It’s all about the kiss.
This summer I started a trilogy, The Belles of Texas, for Harlequin Super Romance. Here’s a first kiss excerpt (between the hero and heroine after being apart for many years) from Caitlyn’s Prize, July ’09.
Without thinking clearly, Cait slid a hand around his neck, caressed his roughened skin and pulled his face toward hers. She touched his lips gently, almost reverently. It took a split second for remembered emotions to explode.
He took over the kiss, cupping her face with both hands, and time floated away, as did the years, as they found comfort in a kiss that bound them together. Tongues and lips knew the drill. Memories like this weren't forgotten, just buried beneath the pain.
He tasted of bourbon, and the heady sensation was making her drunk all over again.
Or was it just Judd?
Yes, it’s definitely all about the kiss and the way it makes us feel. I’d love to hear what you think or some of your memories.
Thanks for this trip down memory lane.
IMHO: Linda, I love, love, love that kissing scene from It’s a Wonderful Life. And your kissing scene from Caitlyn’s Prize is wonderful, too!
Okay, IMHO readers, tell Linda about the best kiss you ever received. Let’s have a little fun with this one: If you had to compare your best kiss to a food or drink, what would it be? Mine would have to be dark chocolate spiked with Irish Bailey Cream…yum…
Married my first kiss! Like sweet, naughty grand marnier cake... oozing with grand marnier! Oh, and still married!
Eh, I don't kiss and tell.
Just dropping in, ladies, to let TJ know I've posted about this over at Win a Book. Thanks for the e-mail!
Mine would be like chocolate cheesecake.
Sounds wonderful. No wonder you're still married to this great kisser. LOL
Great advice. I don't either, but hey, I had to blog about something. Hopefully hubby will never see it.
Thank you for stopping by.
Delicious, sweet and tempting. Mmm, mmm! A great description.
Best Kiss I ever received would definitely be the first kiss by my now hubby on our second date!
How about that, still an old fashioned guy and wouldn't kiss me on the first date! LOL
The thing about first kisses is that they are only the first kiss once. Of course, I believe that the key to a successful relationship is keeping the feeling that you still want to keep kissing the same person over and over again!
Hey Linda! So great to see you here and I loved your post today.
What are you working on currently? If you don't mind answering.
Hi Kerri,
Oh my, do I mind? That's my favorite question. LOL I'm working on the galleys for the last book in The Belles of Texas Series, Skylar's Outlaw Jan '10. And I'm also working on proposals for new books. Skylar's Ou8tlaw is the last book on my contract so I have to get thos proposals in. Wish me luck!
That is so sweet your hubby wouldn't kiss you on the first date. A true gentleman and a keeper.
Enjoyed your kiss story, Linda! Great blog series, TJ!
Hello Linda,
The kiss I remember the most reminded me of sweet tea with just a hint of Crown Royal in it. It had just a little bite to it. For me, it swept me away. Have a great day.
My kiss was on prom night and I'd describe it as a caramel latte. It was sweet and really envigorating.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Thank you, and thank you for stopping by.
Now that's a kiss with a kick. Love it!
Thank you.
Ah, prom night. Those are special memories. Thank you for sharing.
chocolate mousse
Mine would be sweet like a strawberry and bubbly like champagne.
Linda, I am such a fan...I can always count on you for a great read.
Best kiss...I have had a lot of them and all with the guy I have been married to for almost 30 years!
Oh, I can taste it. Decadent!
I'm sensing a theme in kisses, something sweet with a kick, something to remenber and something that draw us back for more. Oh yeah, works for me. LOL
Oh, thank you, that's better than a kiss. LOL
Your hubby sounds like a true hero. Hold on to him.
Thank you for posting.
I think Cherry Brandy is the closest I can come to describing my best kiss.
Believe it or not the best kiss I every had was when I was a teen and I had a big crush on this one guy.
His kisses were like creamy milk chocolate the would just melt in your mouth!
Great kiss, with my DH. Like good, rich irish coffee.
Wow, all these comparisons are making me hungry. And thirsty. Better go find my DH...heh heh heh.
Thanks, Linda, for coming by today. You have been a wonderful guest host. Everyone, feel free to continue leaving comments for Linda and our other authors this month, Kimberly Frost and Karen Young, for a chance at the gift tote bag. I'm heading off for a much needed night of sleep!
Again, Linda, thank you!
I've never had cherry brandy. I'm guessing it's sort of sweet, smooth with a slight kick. We all want the kiss to be extra special and cherry brandy sounds as if it is.
Oh, Virginia, I've had this one. Yummy!!
Rich Irish coffee. Oh, yeah. I can taste it, and it's going to keep me awake for the rest of the day. LOL
Hi Linda wonderful blog today glad you're here. I absolutely love the It’s a Wonderful Life I watch it too love that kissing bit. I would say my husband of almost 23 years would be like Irish Bailey Cream thick and smooth!
Hugs Penney
Thanks for having me. I enjoyed it.
I'm getting a little hungry and thirsty, too. LOL
It's a Wonderful Life is a classic. I absolutely love it.
What a dreamy kisser you have for a husband. Irish Baily Cream is oh, so, good.
Thanks for stopping by.
I've been a Harlequin reader for ever. Well at least since the 1970's. I also have rheumatoid arthritis but didn't get diagnosed with it until I was about 54. I have a severe case and it was very difficult to find anything to help me. When I was at my worst I couldn't even hold a book to read and I was miserable. My daughters bought me a bookholder and it helped a lot. Now I can hold them myself and fully enjoy my reading again. I always enjoy your books.
Linda Henderson
Oh, Linda, I know exactly what you go through on a daily basis. Hugs and hugs. I'm so glad you can enjoy reading again. And I'm really glad you enjoy my books.
Thank you for stopping by.
Oh I can't believe it. That kiss from It's a Wonderful Life is truly one of my favorites as well. They just don't make them like that anymore. :) If I had to put a flavor to my first or most memorable kiss it would have to say "butterscotch pudding. lol
Carol L.
Hi Carol,
Oh, wow, we think alike. That kiss is magical. The kiss in the rain from The Notebook is great, too. But It's a wonderful Life is still my favorite. You're right, they don't make 'em like that anymore.
Buttersotch pudding sounds, oh, so delicious.
Thanks for posting.
Chocolate dipped strawberry. Yum. You can't stop at one.
Hi Kelly,
Oh, yes, I love them. I can taste it now. And I want some! LOL
It was great meeting you in DC.
It was greater meeting you.
My best kiss was 55 years ago and I'm still married to the same kisser.
Linda, I love your books!!
Hi Joni,
I'm so glad I checked in today for messages. Thank you. Thank you!
Yes, those good kisser are keepers. I've had mine for forty years.
If you will email me Lw1508@aol.com, and anyone else who has posted here, I will send you a Texas beaded bookmark.
Thanks again,
It would have to be described like rich, dark chocolate.
Hi Erin,
Oh, I love rich, dark chocolate. If I think about it long enough, my mouth will start to water. LOL
Tahnk you for posting.
Like a bite of dark rich chocolate followed by ip of red wine. MMMMM
angelahipp (at) cahrter (dot) net
Oh, yeah. Now that's really a good taste. MMMM, for sure.
Thank you for stopping by.
java mocha latte.
Hmmmm - how about a White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks, with the whipped cream.
Hi kimmyl.
A latte with a shot of mocha and kick of java. What's not to like? I can feel the awakening sensation. Oh, so good!
Hi Dana,
Yes! I'm licking my lips. Wish I had one at this very moment. LOL
Thank you,
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