Okay, so if after watching this You Tube video, you don't cry, laugh, and gasp with awe and astonishment and just a plain ol' joy of life, you have no heart and don't deserve to dream. From a 46 year old woman to the woman who still has the courage to pursue her dreams at 47--SUSAN BOYLE, YOU ROCK!
Man, I am still crying. In a good way. And reassured that it is never too late to hold what you are reaching for in both hands--in a big way.
Great video! I loved it!
I've already watched this video three times today,the last time with my older daughter, and every time I came away from it crying with joy, inspiration, wonder, and complete admiration for a fantastic woman who probably doesn't even realize just how wonderful she is. I have a new hero and her name is Susan Boyle.
Wow. Follow your dream.
I just saw this video and it was amazing The look on Simon's face was priceless.
Have watched this repeatedly and still get weepy every time.
I admit I totally blub outrageously every time I watch this. Tears dripping off my wobbling chin, snotty nose, red eyes, the works!
I know what you mean, Anna. I feel like such a goober when I do that, but I can't help getting goosebumps every time I realize how that woman changed her life in an instant. She took hold of her own destiny, in the face of such obstacles. There is no better HEA than that, in my humble opinion. :-)
Great video.Have a good week.
What a heartwarming story!
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