Wednesday, April 08, 2009

And the winner of the advance copy of THE PROMISE is..

Keep commenting on Carrie's post BELOW THIS ONE, everyone, for a chance to win the April basket of books.

In the meantime, the winner of the advance copy of THE PROMISE is:

Congratulations, Virginia! You've won a copy of my May 2009 release of THE PROMISE before it hits book stores. Please contact me at my e-mail: tjb @ tjbennett . com and let me know where you want me to send your book. Be sure to contact me before April 15 or I will have to chose an alternate winner.

Hope you like the book!

TJ Bennett (friend me!)
The Legacy (available now) When secrets destroy, can love live on?
The Promise (May 2009) In a dangerous world, sometimes the greatest risk is love....


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much TJ! I sent in my info!

buddyt said...

When I saw the heros name Will Scarlet I immediately thought of Robin Hood and his merry men !

WaSn't Will Scarlet one of them :)


TJ Bennett said...

Yes, Carol, Will Scarlet was indeed one of Robin's men. That is what Carrie's wonderful book is about. To get a chance to win it, please leave a comment on her post and that of at least one other author during the month of April. I only pull the eligible entries from the authors' posts (as it would be too hard to keep track of who commented where otherwise).

Virginia, I received your e-mail! Congratulations!


Christie Craig said...


This sounds very interesting. I love the comment, "a mere seventeen months later." I've always said that you have to love to watch snails race to be a writer. In other words, you gotta love things that move slow.


Gina B said...

I, too, remember seeing Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves as a teenager - I was completely hooked. I'd love to read What a Scoundrel Wants and Scoundrel's Kiss...I'm intrigued!

Carol L. said...

Congratulations Virginia. Very nice !
Carol L.

Pam P said...

Congratulations, Virginia. I loved Gunter's story, he's very sexy and a bit roguish.