Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Colleen Thompson a RITA nominee!

I'm thrilled to announce that my good friend and critique partner, Colleen Thompson, has nabbed a nomination in the Best 2009 Romantic Suspense category of the Romance Writers of America RITA awards for her book Triple Exposure!

Go, Colleen! If you'll remember, last month Colleen was a guest on IMHO telling us what romance means to her. Several other chapter mates from West Houston RWA have snagged awards as well. If you are interested in seeing the whole list, go here.

Congratulations, all!



Anonymous said...

Enjoyed finding your website. I've read several of Colleen's books and liked them a lot.

Colleen Thompson said...

Thanks so much, TJ! I feel honored by the nomination.

Thanks to you too, Jackie! Glad you've enjoyed my books.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Colleen!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your nomination!

Colleen Thompson said...

Thanks so much, ladies! I appreciate the kind words!

Anonymous said...

Stacey, look forward to reading your story in the anthology. Too bad you had to cut the loading scene.

Anonymous said...

Got my comment lines mixed up. Checked out the info on Triple Exposure and it sound like a great read. Look forward to getting it,.

Anonymous said...

Gee, can't even get my comments straight. Pushed wrong button and cam up as Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

STACEY KAYNE'S books are awesome! I highly recommend all of them! Go Stacey! We want more books!

Pam P said...

Congratulation, Colleen!!

Colleen Thompson said...

Thanks again, everyone!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting blog.....
It would be interesting to read how these scenes get deleted. Do you have to edit them out because of the storyline or for other reasons?

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the above comment...accidently posted to the wrong blog....

Congratulations on the nomination, Colleen.....

Anonymous said...

Congrats Colleen!

Colleen Thompson said...

Thank you all for the very kind congratulations. To celebrate, I'm hosting a "Spread the Word" contest where you can win a matched, autographed set of any of my romantic suspense novels, one for you and one to share with a with a friend you think might enjoy it. To enter, you can post a comment at http://tinyurl. com/dmbkjy or e-mail me off of my website at It's a great chance to try a free sample. :)

TJ Bennett said...

Great prize, Colleen. Hmmm, I may have to try for that myself--or force you to autograph all the ones of yours I already have, mwah-hah-hah!. I've posted the full info on my blog today, everyone, just above this one.

Good luck!


Amellia said...

I love the idea of deleted scenes! I "ALWAYS" go to an authors site when I read a book I've liked to make sure I sign up for their newsletters, or to see whats "up and coming." The idea of deleted scenes is fascinating! I also enjoy when authors (when it's available) take photos of places in the books...sometimes a photo of a house, or garden sparks the author and it gives the reader a cool visual! Maybe it just takes us adult readers back to our childhood "picture books!" :)

Emma said...

Congratulations on the nomination. Have a good weekend.