Well, maybe we do. Too much dead air time around here, but guess what I got in the mail today? Two signed copies of Vicki Hinze's very own ARC versions (Advance Reader Copy) of her newest release, War Games: Kill Zone. Vicki practically invented the military romantic suspense subgenre, and she'll be my guest at IMHO on Sept 30. One of those books will go into the "Back to School" tote bag of love.
But the other...the other, my precious, can be yours with a simple comment left on this post--THIS POST RIGHT HERE!
You've got until Sept 25 to respond to this offer. Let me know you want it...really want it...and I just might pick you. USA addresses only, please. Operators are standing by now.
And remember, on Wednesday I've got talented, multipublished three-time RITA nominee Heather MacAllister, joining IMHO on Wednesday, Sept 23, so come back then!
I would really love to win an Arc of this book. I have always enjoyed her books and since my book budget has been kind of thin lately it would be great to win this one.
Linda Henderson
Woo hoo! I want Vickie's book, Kill Zone. The cover alone makes me sit up and say ahhh...
Kim Smith
I would very much like to win this book. I have enjoyed reading her comments on Facebook. I am always looking for a new author to read...her new book sounds too exciting.
Oh I love a good suspense book, please pick me! I have never read Vicki's books before and I love new authors to me!
Your books are great, i am a voracious reader
I really, really, really want this book for a few reasons.
#1. I adore her books. I have read four of her books so far and I have loved them.
#2. My husband is in the army and I spend way to much time alone and I need another book to read.
#3. Again my husband is in the army and I love getting my hands on military related books. I feel like I am always learning something new and I thrive on knowledge.
#4. I seldom ever win anything and would love to change that.
#5. The chance to Win an ARC, well that would just leave me speechless, (of course I would still be able to say THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR THIS AMAZING BOOK. YOU ARE THE GREATEST IN THE ENTIRE WORLD).
These are the reasons why I want this book. Thanks for the contest either way!!
I want this book, too. I've never read any of Vicki's books, but I'm in the process of picking up Lady Justice.
Looks like a good book. I'm partial to military men. Mine retired after 24 years in the Air Force. We leave Saturday for a AF unit reunion in Ft. Worth, Texas. We always look forward to it. They are great goup of people.
I'd love to get an ARC of a good suspense! Sounds like my kind of read.
I'd really, really like to win this book!
Thanks ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com
Wow - I think alicia0605 totally should get this one!
Can't wait til the 30th!
I REALLY, REALLY want this book!!
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
Kill Zone sounds good, great review today, thanks Penney
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