What? I haven't given away a Random Freebie in a while, so how about I toss an autographed copy of Sophie Jordan's Sins of a Wicked Duke into the middle of your pack and let you fight it out? Heh heh heh. I can see the fur and boa feathers flying now.
Look at that luscious red cover. Look at that redhead so obviously enjoying her new purchase of satin sheets from Linens for Romance Novel Heroines. How can you resist? Oh, and yes, the story's pretty good, too. *G* (Of course, the duke isn't really wicked; he's a wounded hero who is just misunderstood...).
Okay, you know the rules. If you want it, you has to beg for it. Let's target this, though. Tell me in one sentence why you think YOU deserve to win Sophie Jordan's book. And hey, bonus points if you can make me laugh or cry! Then I'll award it to the lucky winner on September 15th, 2009. Ready? Set?
P.S. Forgot to mention US Addresses only, please!
Hello TJ,
I'm not good at making someone laugh or cry but I can beg. I'll tell you what if I was close to your house I could do your laundry, clean your bathroom, and mop your floors. I'd even do windows for this book. The thing is I just want to win this book. Pick me PLEASE!!!!!! Have a great day.
I'm a divorced woman and an avid reader on a disability income and can't always afford to buy new books. This is sad but true. I would love to win your book.
Linda Henderson
Ok, I'm going for the laugh factor so here we go....
Rachael deserves to win the Sophie Jordan book because she am awesome, can do the electric slide AND the macarena, can't swim, has freckles, enjoys squirrels, doesn't have Cable, loves cupcakes but is happier if there is a sprinkle involved, has a weenie dog named Daisy Jane, has a hard time remembering to charge her cell phone, hates pepperoni, can sing any Taylor Swift song out there...AND will have to clean this afternoon BUT loves loves LOVES Sophie Jordan and would LOVE to read her newest book. :)
:) It's an awesome give-away. Have a happy Saturday!!
rachie2004 @ yahoo (d0t) com
Thursday was my birthday and I only got one birthday card and it was from a lawyer's office.
Housemouse - Nice begging, but hey, it would be simpler for you to BUY the book by the time you get done with all that...
Mint and ColleenFL - Argh. You're killing me!
Rachie--that's quite a sentence...
I'm going for corny...
What did one romance reader say to the other?
NOTHING, they were reading a Sophie Jordan book and couldn't put it down!
ha! Totally corny and made up but there's my shot!!
I think that I should win this book because my husband is in the Army and I am tired of spending months of long, cold and lonely nights, I'm in need of something steamy to keep me warm in my red satin sheets!!
I'll go for sad and happy. My son's 8 month old puppy is too smart for her own good. She learned to open the storm door and got out about 1 1/2 months ago. She got hit by a car and obviously had a spinal injury - she couldn't move. Someone called the animal shelter and when the guy came out he picked her up by the scruff of the neck and threw her in the back of the truck after I requested he help me move her carefully. She was paralyzed from mid-back down, but she is incredible. After about a week, she started wagging her tail, then a leg would twitch. She is now running on all fours. Her back is still unstable and her right leg gives her trouble, but I can hardly believe how well she is doing. She improves daily. It was a bad 2 months for vet bills. We had just had her spayed the week before she got hit, and our other 3 dogs and 2 cats all had their yearly check-ups, heart worm meds, and shots. OUCH!
A free book would be nice.
Lyoness--corny, but good. Here's one I just heard: What's the difference between bird flu and swine flu? You need tweetment for one and oinkment for the other. Ha!
alicia and librarypat -- oh, man, I'm almost sorry I asked for the sad stories now...gonna need a tissue. *sniff*
I deserve to win the book because I have been unemployed for a long time and have no hope of getting one for a longf timw:(
jap: --and what's worse, your texting finger appears to be broken. Oh, you poor wee thing!
I deserve to win because I am having a family gathering at my house on Sunday and they are always challenging.
I haven't read any of her books yet and I Love that red dress she is wearing sounds good.
Thanks Penney
luvhistoricalromance at gmail dot com
Oh please, please, pick me I am a very old lady and I must read this book before I pass on to another world, I am not sure how much time I have left but I am sure I could make it through this book before I go!
How is that for begging!
Virginia, if that was supposed to make me laugh, you succeeded wonderfully! If that was supposed to make me cry...er, it was a horrible failure. :-)
Okay, I've piced a winner! Sorry, almost forgot to do it. The winner is ColleenFL! I'll post it to the blog later tonight.
Somehow, her birthday sentence was so poignient...
Hope you enjoy the book, Colleen. Be sure to e-mail me your address so I can mail you your book.
Oh, the humanity! My spelling was horrible in that last post. I think, like jap, I must have broken my texting finger. See, that's what I get for mocking her...
I love the cover of this book. And I have this one on my TRL.
Carol L.
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