Kathleen Long, Cold Case Connection
2009 RITA® Finalist for Contemporary Series: Suspense/Adventure

“When TJ asked me what my RITA® nomination meant to me, I must admit I drew a rather big blank. I know that sounds odd. When the phone rang early on the morning of March 25, I was sick in bed and my toddler was sleeping in. Hearing the news I’d been named a RITA® finalist was almost as surreal as my first sale call. The past year for me has been one that makes a person stand back and take stock. I’ve reevaluated direction, representation and dedication. So what does my RITA® final mean to me? It means I keep on keeping on—putting one foot in front of the other, putting one word after another after another after another on the blank page—and loving every moment.
Thank you, TJ, for the chance to stop by and say hello this month! And best of luck to all of the RITA® and GH® nominees! Here’s hoping your names sit printed inside the winner’s envelope, waiting to be revealed.”
About Cold Case Connection:
The case may have gone ice-cold, but the connection between a veteran detective and a rookie agent was burning hot! Cameron Hughes never thought he'd meet his match in a determined but inexperienced undercover agent with a heart of gold. Somehow, though, Lily Christides had got under the detective's incredibly thick skin and wouldn't let go. Now, as they worked 24/7 on two unsolved cases, Cam was finding it increasingly difficult to resist taking her to bed and driving her to the point of no return. Then an elusive killer made it known Lily was next on his list, and Cam's passion turned to protection. Cam knew being her personal bodyguard was the best chance they had at containing the threats to her life. But what force was strong enough to contain their barely controlled attraction?
Anne Mallory, Three Nights of Sin
2009 RITA® Finalist for Regency Historical Romance

“I sold my first novel as the result of being a finalist in the Golden Heart® contest, and found a lovely group of women to share that joy with in the 2003 finalists (the Wet Noodle Posse). The Golden Heart® will always be near and dear to my heart. The RITA® contest, as the GH's sister, is also encompassed in that. It is wonderful to be nominated and to participate.”
About Three Nights of Sin:
Three nights of danger . . .
When her brother was arrested for murder, the ton shut its doors to Marietta Winters. No one would help her save him from the gallows—no one but Gabriel Noble. In exchange for taking the case, Gabriel requests three favors from the desperate young beauty, and Marietta has no other choice but to make a deal with the sinfully handsome devil.
Three nights of pleasure . . .
Searching for clues in the rough underbelly of London, Marietta must masquerade as a shamelessly wanton wench—much to Gabriel's delight. But Marietta swears to herself that her passionate moans are just for show. She could never fall in love with such a maddening, arrogant, seductive stranger . . . could she?
Three nights of sin . . .
Night after night, she satisfies his wicked cravings. But soon Gabriel wants more from Marietta than just three nights of sin—and even a sordid secret in his past won't prevent him from trying to possess her forever.
Susanna Kearsley, The Winter Sea
2009 RITA® Finalist for Novel with Strong Romantic Elements

“What does being nominated for the RITA® this year mean to me? So much more than anybody knows. The Winter Sea was such a gift for me to write. The story and characters carried me through the worst months of my life while my sister was dying, and I felt her with me each step of the way. When I’d finished the book I was sure (and still am) that it was the best thing I had written. In London my editor, Lara, agreed, as did the foreign publishers who picked it up. So I felt fairly confident my agent would be able to find someone in New York who’d like The Winter Sea enough to take it on. I was mistaken. I’m not bothered by rejection; no book ever pleases everyone. Some found it too ‘romance-y,’ some thought there was not enough romance, some liked the double story-line, some found it too distracting…but more commonly they all dismissed the book as being out of fashion in the States. ‘I am the only person,’ wrote one editor, ‘still reading and loving this sort of book these days.’ You hear that enough times, you start to believe it.
And that’s why being nominated for the RITA®s this year means so much to me. Because it came exactly when I needed it – a valued hug from strangers saying they still read this sort of book, and they believe it’s good enough to stand with work by authors beside whom I feel so honored and amazed. And win or lose, that's all that matters.”
About The Winter Sea:
History has all but forgotten the spring of 1708, when an invasion fleet of French and Scottish soldiers nearly succeeded in landing the exiled James Stewart in Scotland to reclaim his crown. Now, Carrie McClelland hopes to turn that story into her next bestselling novel. Settling herself in the shadow of Slains Castle, she creates a heroine named for one of her own ancestors, and starts to write. But when she discovers her novel is more fact than fiction, Carrie wonders if she might be dealing with ancestral memory...making her the only living person who can know the truth of what did happen all those years ago - a tale of love and loyalty...and ultimate betrayal.
Nalini Singh, Mine to Possess
2009 RITA® Finalist for Paranormal Romance

“I am incredibly excited and honored to have been nominated for a RITA®. And given that it's my very first nomination, my excitement levels are multiplied several times over!! I think the exclamation marks say it all. :-)”
About Mine to Possess:
Nalini Singh pulls away another dark layer of sheer desire, revealing passions unknown, in her latest novel about the world of the Psy.
A ghost returns from a leopard changeling’s past, making him question everything—even his base animal instincts…
Clay Bennett is a powerful DarkRiver sentinel, but he grew up in the slums with his human mother, never knowing his changeling father. As a young boy without the bonds of Pack, he tried to stifle his animal nature. He failed...and committed the most extreme act of violence, killing a man and losing his best friend, Talin, in the bloody aftermath. Everything good in him died the day he was told that she, too, was dead.
Talin McKade barely survived a childhood drenched in bloodshed and terror. Now a new nightmare is stalking her life--the street children she works to protect are disappearing and turning up dead. Determined to keep them safe, she unlocks the darkest secret in her heart and returns to ask the help of the strongest man she knows...
Clay lost Talin once. He will not let her go again, his hunger to possess her, a clawing need born of the leopard within. As they race to save the innocent, Clay and Talin must face the violent truths of their past...or lose everything that ever mattered.
Robin Lee Hatcher, The Perfect Life
2009 RITA® Finalist for Inspirational Romance

“It's always an honor to have a book nominated for a RITA® Award (this is my eighth book to be so honored). I'm pleased to know that my peers felt The Perfect Life deserved to be recognized for excellence in the Inspirational category. One thing I've learned over the course of writing 60+ books is that a writer must take encouragement where she finds it. I'm happy when a book is nominated or wins an award, but I don't allow myself to be too disappointed when it doesn't happen because there are so many other books that deserve to be recognized as well.
The Perfect Life was written during a time of transition, and there were moments when I struggled with the story and feared it would never come together to be the book I wanted it to be. So imagine my delight to know that readers and writers have taken to the story of Katherine and Brad Clarkson and came to care about them as much as I do. Thanks, RWA, for the honor of this nomination.”
About The Perfect Life:
Katherine Clarkson has the perfect life. Married to Brad, a loving and handsome husband, respected in their church and the community. Two grown daughters on the verge of starting families of their own. A thriving ministry. Good friends. A comfortable life.
She has it all--until the day a reporter appears with shocking allegations. Splashed across the local news are accusations of Brad's financial impropriety at his foundation and worse, an affair with a former employee. Without warning, Katherine's marriage is shattered and her family torn apart. The reassuring words she's spoken to many brokenhearted women over the years offer little comfort now.
Her world spinning, Katherine wonders if she can find the truth in the chaos that consumes her. How can she survive the loss of what she thought was the perfect life?
IMHO: That's it for today, folks. Be sure to leave a comment for our authors if you want a chance to win this tote, and tune in Friday for the final featured RITA® nominees!
This is another wonderful line-up of books. I have so enjoyed these posts about the nominated books and the comments from the authors. Good luck to all of the authors. You are already winners by just being nominated.
Another great set of books.
Good luck everyone and congrats to all the authors nominated.
Terri W.
Another great lineup. I was remiss in not saying it before, but congratulations to ALL the nominees :).
Just reading about these books has added more books to my already long wish list. I just want to say congrats to all the authors nominated and good luck!
Congratulations and good luck to all!
Nalini's Psy series is my favorite series of the moment, just getting ready to devour the latest one just out. I also have Three Nights of Sin in the TBR right now. I've had my eye on The Winter Sea, a few online friends in my reading group keep recommending it.
TJ, once again, thank you so very much for taking all the time and trouble to give me and all the other RITA finalists this spotlight. It's just such a generous thing to do, and I've had a wonderful time these past weeks reading everyone else's responses. I'll miss meeting you at Nationals this year, but I do hope our paths cross soon.
And thank you, too, to everybody here who's wished us well. It means a lot.
Great books.They sound great.
Great set of books. Good luck to the nominees.
Love the Psy series, count me in!
Count me in too.
Fantastic set of books this time also. Good luck to everyone!!
Love the line up today. They all look like great reads. Congrats to the nominees. Have a great day.
Well here we are, at our second to the last tote. Can't believe it's gone so fast. Extra special thank yous and a wave to Susanna Kearsley, who must have found an internet connection from the conference because I know that's where she's at today! Thank you, Susanna, for stopping by! Good luck. And folks, if you are interested in buying her book (that is, if you don't win it), click on the link to her title--it's a little tough to find an outlet for it this side of the Pond, but I found a store selling it online.
Also, still waiting for "squiresj" to claim her/his prize--if not, then I'll have another tote to give away, Tote 5, on Sunday, July 19, when I award the final bags.
Keep leaving your comments! And be sure to check back tomorrow for our final tote!
Wow I am really amazed at all the wonderful books that have been nominated. Of course it is adding to my TBB list but that's okay looks like some great reading ahead. :-)
Another set of great book! In a way I'm glad it's almost over, I don't think my TBR list can get any bigger!
Congrats to all of the nominees and good luck.
I love all these authors. Big fan of Anne Mallory, Kathleen Long and Nalini Singh. Such awesome authors.
Congrats to all the authors! Of this group I've only read Nalini Singh but it's great to get info on the other nominees.
Looks like my TBB list is getting longer. :)
some of these are new to me authors. great way to get to know them!
The only book I've read in this batch is Anne Mallory's. Would love to read the other authors!
TJ, all the Honolulu Borders sold out of The Promise so I had to order my copy online yesterday!
Congratulations to all the authors nominated!
I've heard fantastic things about a few of these and they all look great!
Congrats to all the authors! These are a great set of books!!
Congrats to these nominees and their wonderful books.
A great lineup of books!
Congrats to all the nominees.
I have been enjoying the posts. Learning about some new authors, can't wait to read some of these books
Congrats, all of you. These books all sound like great reads. I've only read one of them, but I would definitely like to read them all!
Another good group!
Congratulations and good luck to the nominees! Several of these are new to me authors!
Thanks TJ!
Thanks, TJ, for doing these blog posts on the RITA finalist books. I hope the winners will enjoy some great reading.
Robin Lee Hatcher
I have just discovered Nalini Singh's books and have fallen in love. She cannot write them fast enough lol.
I love the cover of The Winter Sea!
Congrats to the nominees and it looks like another great set of books.
I have some of these books already on my wish list and now added more. Good luck to all the nominees! I think that's something to be proud of even if you don't win.
Congrats and good luck to the nominees
Congrats to all the authors, I loved these books Anne Mallory and Nalini Singh are a couple of my favorites.
Congrats to all of the nominees! I love reading about all of these books. What a wonderful variety.
jgbeads at gmail dot com
Congratulations to all the nominee! An awesome group of books!
I'm really looking forward to seeing who the winners are!
Another great set of books. Please include me.
etirv, thanks for going the extra mile to buy my book. I hope you'll love it! And thanks to everyone for loving this extravaganza as much as I do. So many wonderful authors to share with you...
And Robin Lee Hatcher, thanks so much for stopping by today! And good luck on this, your gazillionth nomination for a RITA (just kidding! Not on the luck part, but the gazillionth part). We'll be thinking about you on Saturday!
Hi Tj, thanks for this next group of writers. I think all the books are awesome and have added them to my Books to read list. Congratulations ladies. Good luck to everyone.
Carol L.
I'm late in saying thank you to TJ for including me in such a fantastic blog! Thank you. ;o) And thanks to everyone for your wonderful comments and good wishes today. Conference has been crazy busy, wonderful and recharging, as usual. Here's to good luck for all of the nominees come Saturday night! ;o))
Just found out about the contest today. All these books sound wonderful. Good luck to everyone.
Another great set of books. congrats to the nominees.
I've added tons of books to my wishlist!
Great giveaway! Congrats to all the nominees.
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
Congrats to all the nominees. Cant wait to read some of these book.
Wow, these batches of books only get better and better! Congrats to them all!
I can't wait to find out who wins! Congrats to all the nominees and good luck!
Tess Mallory
These all look like wonderful reads. I love The Winter Sea cover.
Congratulations nominees!
Pam S
Wow another stellar line up of authors! Guess that's why they are rita nominated, huh?
Good luck ladies!
Beth Cornelison
This is so nice of you to hold a contest, esp. with such a great bunch of books! Brava to the authors!
It's hard to focus on getting well when being sick means that I can read to my hearts content!
These books look luscious! Can't wait to dig into them.
Just popping in to say thanks to Kathleen Long for stopping in! I'll bet you're nail-biting right about now...
Good luck!
Another awesome set of books!
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
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