Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some Good News

I guess it's okay to officially announce this now, and I'm glad because I can't keep it to myself any longer. I've signed with a fabulous new agent at a wonderful agency I've been hoping to be with for a long time. I feel like I landed the dream date quarterback and got crowned queen of the prom all in one. Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency offered me representation, and I have accepted. I'm so excited to be working with this experienced, savvy agent, and I know she'll do right by me.

Lucienne's enthusiasm for my work is such a validation, as it is so easy to question one's talent when one hears more "no's" than "yes's."
To see a sample of this enthusiasm, check out her blog, which describes the process she went through when reading the manuscript she took me on for.

In addition to signing with the agency of my dreams, I also received news that my second novel, THE PROMISE, is a finalist in the Orange County Chapter of RWA's Book Buyers Best award. Rumor is there were over 100 entries,  so I'm flattered and delighted to be among the finalists in this prestigious contest.

So, despite having a broken kid in the rehab hospital, there are still good things happening in my life. I'm grateful for all my blessings.

Take care,


Joni Rodgers said...


TJ, I'm so thrilled for you! It was a delight watching this novel unfold in critique group. We believe in you, girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations TJ, its your dream come true! Way to go Girl!

TJ Bennett said...

Thanks so much, Joni! That means a lot. :-) Glad you're back from Italy!

Thanks, Virginia! You've stuck with this blog a long time, and I appreciate it. :-)

mrsshukra said...

Congrats TJ! The Promise was one of the best novels I read last year... definitely well deserved recognition!

TJ Bennett said...

Thanks, etirv. I appreciate the kind words. :-)


Unknown said...

Congrats TJ! I would love to be signed by the Knight Agency! It's a wonderful feel to have your dreams come true. Congratulations again. Celebrate through the rest of the year!

Julie Romero