Wednesday, December 23, 2009

IMHO Welcomes Carrie Lofty!

IMHO would like to welcome our final guest for 2009 (and for the duration, as the guest author segments are taking an indefinite break for a while; but no worries--we'll be back with the occasional special event). Carrie Lofty has visited with us before, and we're delighted to have her back again to close out the year.

Born in California and raised in the Midwest, Carrie found the love of her life in England. Since earning her Master’s in history, she’s been devoted to raising her family and writing romance. Her January release, Scoundrel’s Kiss, featuring a Spanish warrior monk and the troubled woman he’s sworn to protect, is the sequel to her Robin Hood-themed debut, What a Scoundrel Wants. Kathe Robin of Romantic Times says, "Lofty writes adventure romance like a born bard of old." With Ann Aguirre, she also co-writes apocalyptic romance under the name Ellen Connor.

Carrie will put a copy of Scoundrel's Kiss in the Christmas tote for our lucky winner to take home. In the sequel to WHAT A SCOUNDREL WANTS, Meg of Keyworth's troubled sister Ada travels to the Kingdom of Castile. Here's the story synopsis:
When it comes to temptation...

Turning his back on his old life as a rogue, Gavriel de Marqueda has joined a monastic order in Spain and taken a vow of chastity. Before he becomes a monk, he must pass one final test: help a woman who has lost her way. But when he lays eyes on Ada of Keyworth, he is tempted beyond measure by her sultry beauty and dangerous curves...

Rules are meant to be broken...

Far from her home in England, Ada has been battling inner demons for more than a year. When she discovers that her only friend has abandoned her, she has no choice but to grudgingly accept Gavriel's help. But Ada is not fooled. Though Gavriel wears the robes of a monk, Ada sees that he is a virile man who looks at her with a hunger that matches her own--one that begs to be satisfied again and again....

IMHO: Welcome back, Carrie. Tell our readers: What is something you want for Christmas this year?

CL: Well, TJ, all I want for Christmas is…a few days of relaxation and health with my family. Last year was great but not without problems. As we do every other year, we went to England to spend time with my husband's family. We visited Windsor Castle, enjoyed a great family reunion, and took our daughters' to their first panto performance--mine too!

But in the days leading up to The Big Day, my younger daughter needed to go to the emergency room because of dehydration. A bad cold had taken a turn for the worse. At least another dozen families were there in the emergency pediatrics ward, too. I was in pretty sad company: sick kids, anxious parents, harried doctors, and Christmas videos playing on the waiting room television.

Our daughter recovered in time to open her presents with some degree of energy, but it put me in mind of all those other families we'd waited with. That was just one hospital. Around the world, there must be millions of people who spend part of the season in hospitals—the sick or wounded, their loved ones, and their medical professionals. I admire their strength and dedication beyond words. I would be a wreck.

Thus this year, I want a quiet season of health and smiles. My family lives in Northern Indiana and it's "their year," so we'll head that way for at least a few days during the holiday season. I want to watch all of my favorite films: It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, and Scrooged. My mom always makes us grilled ham and Swiss on rye after the initial glazed ham dinner, which I anticipate almost as much as opening presents. I'm going to take over the responsibility of baking the decorated sugar cookies that used to give me such a thrill as a child. So beautiful and colorful! And my brother and his family will probably bring over Rock Band. I have a love-hate thing for karaoke…

All of this will be so much more wonderful if we're healthy! I have the "happy" part of "healthy and happy" down pat. It's been a good year for me. I love my family, I have a wonderful array of the most supportive friends, and I've been fortunate enough to make a go of this business. No matter what you celebrate during this festive time of year, I wish the same health and happiness to all of you.

IMHO: You know, Carrie, I can get behind that "healthy Christmas" thing this year. Let's keep our fingers crossed that we'll all be there in a couple of days, right? In the meantime, IMHO readers, tell Carrie what your Christmas wish is this year. Not for something material, but something intangible. Peace in the Middle East? Peace in the kids' room? A far away family member to come home for Christmas? What would it be?

Leave a comment for Carrie for a chance to win signed books by Emily Bryan, Jennifer Ashley, Christie Craig, Carrie Lofty, TJ Bennett, and a $20 gift certificate from Don't forget--to be eligible to win, you must comment on at least one other guest author's post this month as well (the more, the merrier). On December 28, 2009, I'll pick the winner of my Christmas-themed tote. For contest rules, go here.

Good luck!



Jane L said...

Good morning ladies! Carrie I also wish for health and well being this year for my family! Our daughter had to have emergancy surgery last week and she is so far from home, I was absolutley terrified! She is doing very well, home with her husband recovering. We will be joining her over the New Year now to celebrate with her!

Im excited to read your story, it looks like one I will love!!

TJ, sorry to hear you are taking a leave,I just found you! But I will check back often! Thanks for the giggles!

Merry Christmas Ladies! Happy New Year!

sarah said...

My hopes for a quiet christmas went out the door yesterday... now I just don't want to get sick!

Happy Holidays!

jcp said...

I also wish for day of peae and relaxation.

Anonymous said...

I wish for health for all of us this holiday season and for the economy to pick up so there will be more jobs for our people. Things have been bad and there are so many without work.

TJ Bennett said...

Thanks for your comment, Jane L, about IMHO. I hope the hiatus isn't too long, but I have some other things that need attention right now. I've had lots of wonderful authors on this year, so feel free to browse our archives to get to know them better.

And as I said, there will special events going on here at IMHO from time to time. The best way to stay up to speed is to sign up for my newsletter and become a follower of my blog. You can do both on the right sidebar column of the blog.


Kaye said...

Carrie, I wish you a happy and healthy holiday visiting with family. Your book looks great. I'll have to check it out. Much success to you in the new year also.

penney said...

Your book sounds good the cover is great too.
My wish for Christmas is I hope the specialist would find out what is causing all the stomach problems for my 15 year old daughter.
Merry Christmas
Penney W.

Anonymous said...

what a fabulous giveaway...


throuthehaze said...

I like Virginia's Xmas wish for the economy to pick up so there will be more jobs out there, so that is my wish too

Jane said...

I wish for happiness, health and prosperity for the new year.

The Scarf Princess said...

I just want things to improve financially and healthwise for my family. That's all I'm wishing for.

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

Carrie Lofty said...

Hi everyone,

Thanks for stopping by, and thanks to TJ for having me! We're all sniffling here, but not nearly so bad as last year! Here's wishing you health and happiness for this season and the new year.

skyla11377 said...

Scoundrel’s Kiss Sounds Awesome. I So Have To Get That And What A Scoundrel Wants. Thanks For Writing What Appears To be An Awesome Series.

M. said...

Hi Carrie,

Loved your debut release for all sorts of reasons, have huge expectations for your second and no concern at all that they won't be met. You're halfway there already by having the story happen in Spain. And a warrior monk!

It's not winter if there aren't some sniffles but I wish your little one no more emergency room visits, ever. My small girl is sniffly also (first year of preschool) but cheered up mightily when her uncle gave her her first Disney princess dress with tiara. She hasn't taken them off in three days.

Barbara E. said...

Here's hoping you get your wish for a healthy, happy Christmas. It seems as if most families with little ones always get hit hardest this time of year.
My Christmas wish would be to spend the holiday with my family. Before I moved to another state, I always spent the day at my sister's house with her kids and grandkids. It was a wonderful way to spend the day. Even just having my son here with me would be fantastic, but he's several states away as well, at least until next spring.

Unknown said...

Happy Holidays!! Wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday!! My DD was born Dec. 22 and she's been sick every yr but nothing worse than flu and usually colds. It takes the fun out of the holidays when a family is sick. My wish was for my daughter's boyfriend to get here on leave safe. He got here on Sat. and today they were engaged!! My wish came true already, and then some!! Thanks, Sue

TJ Bennett said...

Thanks to everyone for stopping in to visit with Carrie today. And thank you, Carrie, for being our final guest of the year.

Everyone, feel free to continue to leave comments for Carrie and our other December guests for a chance to win the Christmas tote. I'll announce the winner on Dec 28, so come back then.


Trang said...

I'm a lurker but wanted to pop up and Thanks! for what you do. I know it is hard to keep everything in, work, and things that you enjoy. Take all the time you need to get things straight in your life.

Thanks also for hosting great authors like Carrie. Can't wait to read the sequel.

As for me, all I want for Christmas is time for my family and myself.

Happy Hollidays!

Anonymous said...

I'm also a lurker but also a fan of Carrie's books. I hope everyone has a great Christmas! Im heading out the door to go to my mom's and then tomorrow it's my dad's. Whew the holidays are such a rush but so much fun.

Happy Holidays!!!!

Scott Romanski said...

I hate being sick at he holidays. When i was little, it seemed like every year either my sister or I got sick on Christmas. It sucked

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading the comments.
Hope you have a very Merry Christmas.
I enjoy reading your books, Carrie

Margay Leah Justice said...

Well, I hope everyone has a safe and healthy holiday.

Fedora said...

Lovely to enjoy Carrie's interview, TJ, and wishing all of you a healthy and joyful celebration this season! Thank you for spending time with us readers!

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I got What a Scoundrel Wants after reading Carrie's awesome contribution to "The Italian Baby Food Baron..." but am embarrassed to say I haven't read it yet. So I guess I want more reading time for Christmas! -- willaful

librarypat said...

Interesting interview.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season!

robynl said...

my wish for Christmas was for a healthy/happy one. So far things are going great.
Dh and I had 2 surgeries each this year and my breast cancer is in remission. I'd say we are due for a great year ahead.

Here's to everyone's wishes and that they come true.

SiNn said...

beings ick anytime sucks around the holidays its so much worse I wish everyone here a happy and healthy newyear and that everyone gets what they wish for what a cool give away Merry christmas everyone!

Anonymous said...

congrts on yoru book
happy holidays to u all


CherylS22 said...

Thanks for the chance to read this book. Hope you had a great holiday with a little relaxation thrown in!

Happy Holidays!

CherylS22 said...

I forgot to tell you my Christmas wish. I do wish for peace in Afghanistan & the Middle East so that we can bring our soldiers home for the holidays!

cherio1 said...

My wish was for my brother to come home from Iraq soon. We just found out that he will be coming home on January 8th, 2010. What a Christmas present!

Gossip Cowgirl said...

Thanks so much, Carrie, for guesting on this blog. I can't wait to read your books--both of them. I'm a huge fan of books that focus on clergy in general, and especially love anything with a Robin Hood theme. Can't wait to read your books!
