Friday, October 16, 2009

A beautiful tote bag you CANNOT win.

You can't win it because it is mine, all mine.

Just had to share this picture of a gift a wonderful fan sent me. She hand quilted this generously-sized tote bag and used the cover of my second historical romance, THE PROMISE, for the picture. You can't tell, but the tote sparkles with iridescent gold flecks, too.

Oh, my gosh, was I thrilled when I saw this. Even more thrilled to think someone I don't even know (except through her wonderful fan mail) went to the trouble to do something so nice.

Thank you, Debi! The rest of you...envy me. Just, envy me.



Karen W. said...

That's definitely a beautiful bag! Enjoy. :)

Carol L. said...

A beautiful bag. What a talented lady.You sure you're going to keep it T.J. lol lol I know, it's a gift. But I couldn't help myself. Very nice present
Carol L.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bag! How did she get the book cover on the bag. Love the fabric, it goes with the book.

TJ Bennett said...

Thanks, Karen. I agree.

No, Carol, I will not be giving this one away, LOL!

I think she must have scanned it somehow onto a piece of fabric, Virginia. I know you can get people's pictures scanned onto T-shirts, so probably something like that. Then it looks like she pieced and quilted it together with the rest of the bag (which glitters like a pretty shiny thing!). So talented. Very nice lady, too. Writers get such a kick when their work touches someone's heart, and I'm no different. :-)


Joan said...

What a beautiful bag. Wish I had that much talent.

The Scarf Princess said...

That's a beautiful bag! Kudos to the one who made it!

Patricia Barraclough said...

What a lovely, thoughtful gift.
You deserve it for all the wonderful things you do for you do for your readers.

QLady48 said...

Wow, what a gift!! Some peeps are so talented. I have no idea how she would even do that!!

Virginia C said...

Beautiful, and so creative!

gcwhiskas at aol dot com