IMHO is pleased to welcome romantic adventure novelist Trish Albright to the Romance Roundup Gift Basket party! This two-time Golden Heart finalist’s debut novel, Siren’s Song, is a cross between The Princess Bride meets Pirates of the Caribbean, taking place in England and on the high seas during the 1790s. Publisher's Weekly’s Beyond Her Book Blog called it a “delightful, romantic, swashbuckling escapade.” Romantic Times Magazine awarded it four stars. Romance Reviews Today says there is “never a dull moment in this action-filled novel.”
Trish’s background as a Walt Disney Imagineer informs her high-seas romantic adventures. Her projects have taken her all over the world from Hong Kong to Paris. She’ll put Siren’s Song in the romance gift basket to whet your appetite for her next novel, Siren’s Secret, which will hit store shelves in May 2009. (By the way, you have to check out the “very” dramatic reading of Siren’s Song’s first chapter by Yale trained former drama student Trevor Anthony. It’s a hoot!)
IMHO: Welcome to IMHO, Trish, and please tell our readers what romance means to you.
TrA: What does romance mean to me? At 2 AM on Friday—now Saturday—late on my delivery to TJ, what romance means to me is that I have to stay up a few hours longer (not in bed). But I love TJ, so I’m willing to sacrifice. And what can I say—she romanced me. Unfortunately, with work, galleys, and being the slacker blogger, I see that the really good answers are taken. So I’m stuck with just the truth. (As I know it…which at this moment may not be all that clear, but feel free to debate.)
Romance is sweet, fun, flirty, exciting, all the things you can imagine. But, at the end of the day (or morning for some), it’s nothing without love. Romance can be a taste of the possibility of love. A taste that keeps us hoping and doing things we probably shouldn’t do, because at our core, we are hopeful creatures. Romance can create the initial bonds of love. It can even create a safe, happy bubble for love to grow. But romance is nothing without love. (I’m reminding myself of Paul’s Gospel on love and he did it better, so I’ll stop that mantra.)
We want romance, because we want love, don’t we? Because love is the promise of transformation, that somehow our lives will be better, we will be better, the world will be better if only there is love. I think the world suffers from many of us who have lost the will to love truly, and instead have settled only for romance, (after romance after romance…) because to love requires we challenge ourselves in a unique way to be better than society requires or expects us to be. And if you overcome that barrier the reward is we are set apart to struggle and wait until we meet another like-minded creature. And that’s torture. It’s not surprising that people opt for just romance…after romance…(I know. It’s hard to believe I write funny.)
On the upside…If you still believe in love, when none seems possible. When the future is a dark tunnel and you’re not sure if that’s the light at the end or a train coming at you—hang in there (or dive and lay flat if appropriate). Love is real. It does transform. And you will have it. And then all the loneliness, uncertainty, and/or pain you withstood will be wiped clean, becoming a vague and distant memory, difficult to even imagine.
At this point, you should make note, that you WILL be annoying to EVERYONE around you for at least two years. (But that’s worth it too!)
IMHO: I believe in love, too, Trish, so I won't harrass you for making me get up at 6 AM on a Saturday to put up your post. But...I'll remember...LOL! Remember, too, folks, to leave a comment for Trish and at least one other author to have a chance at winning the BIG BASKET OF LOOOVE to be awarded the day after Valentine’s Day (to give everyone a chance to get their comments in). For details, go to my website’s contest page.
Trish, I like your take on romance and love. It's nice to know I'm not the only hopeless romantic out there. And I love your concept for your books. The Princess Bride and Pirates of the Caribbean are two of my favorite movies (not necessarily in that order - hey, I heart Jack Sparrow more), so your books sound like they are right up my alley.
Hey Trish!
What a cutie pie you are! Love the cover! Did you ever watch the series "Angel" on television. That guy on the cover looks just like the 1700's Angel when they did flashbacks to the Chinese Revolution. LOL
Thanks for coming to hang out. Here's my question....
If you could use only one word to describe this book, what would it be?
Thanks and hugs!
Trish, wonderful post about all things romance, and hooray on your upcoming release! What would you say has been the biggest surprise or unexpecting "learning opportunity" :) about getting published?
Thanks for your blog!
Lovely Q&A! Congrats on the upcoming release, Trish. May will be here before we know it. (We're buried in snow, so that's what I keep telling myself. :) And I, too, am a huge Princess Bride and Pirates fan!
What are some of the things you did as a Disney Imagineer?
Lovely answer, Trish.
Of all the places you've traveled, which did you think was most romantic?
Good morning, Trish, Good morning T.J. Great Q&A. Love that you'll be annoying to those around you for two years ;)There's nothing more magical than falling in love. That's why romance continues to survive the decades. Thanks, you two!
Oh, I love that....love is the promise of transformation! I need to keep that in mind as I work on my ms!!!
Hi Trish,
I have a pirate in my ancestry. I love books and movies about pirates and I have very nice collections of both. How did you research your pirate?
You are a cutie. You remind me of my property manager. That's a compliment. :-)
Have a great weekend, everybody!
Mel K.
Love it Trish.
Love is what we all want.
Hi Trish! Siren's Song looks great. It's on my list of books to read after deadline!
I'm excited to say that I was present when Trevor did his "very" dramatic reading. And it was a hoot, TJ!
OK, so I'm with you that romance is nice but turning it into love is what it's all about!
Hi, Trish, fellow 06 GH finalist! What a sweet and promising take on love and romance.
SIREN'S SONG looks great! Adding it to my TBR pile.
I agree that if romance doesn't turn into that deep abiding love, it's only another blip on the screen.
Still fun, though, VBG!
I enjoyed the interview. I think everyone wants the HEA. Some of us are truly lucky to get that.
BTW, what is a Walt Disney imagineer?
Trish, I agree with you about people chasing after serial romance.*g* I think we live in a time where most things are easy, easy, easy. Forming a lasting, deep and abiding love takes a LONG time and a LOT of hard work. When things get hard, people tend to bail many times, rather than knuckling down and doing the tough work it takes to move past differences and take their connection deeper.
Deep love does not "happen", it is created. I did not marry my "soul mate", I married a nice, handsome, intelligent man with whom I had shared interests and, it turns out, lots of differences. After 20 years together, we're STILL working on ironing things out. I don't anticipate it will ever end! The hearts and flowers don't last forever, but you can find a more meaningful love if you work and work and work some more. Initial attraction is easy. Love is tough!
Lovely post, Trish. I think you are exactly right! Thank you for sharing this!
Wonderful post, Trish! And all the things that love is about along with magic in the soul.
Hi Trish -
Did I read that right, that you work for Disney??? LUCKY!!! (I've had a love affair with all things Disney my whole life... :)
But I think you're right about romance. It's nothing without love to buoy it in stormy waters.
Great blog! :)
I really admire your thoughts on love, Trish. Truly, romance without it is a shadow of what could be…Super post.
And, congratulations on all your successes! Love your cover, too!
Hi Trish,
I stopped by to rescue you from "the black hole", but it seems, being overwhelmed aside, you're doing great.
Romance is lovely--candlelight, flowers, snuggling by the fire--but you are right; it's all about the love.
Can't wait until May! I'll be preordering as soon as it's available. (Gotta know what you did with that big, strapping boy!)
Hi Trish!
Another Romance Bandit (and 06 Packer) swinging by.
Thanx for a thought provoking post. Hmmm, I guess we have all those cliches about love (Love make the world go round, Love conquers all, etc) for a reason. They really ARE TRUE! And it is that promise of the HEA (even when it seems impossible) that makes me read romance!
GOOD GOOD LUCK with your May release!
Great post, Trish! And good luck with the book!
Thanks for reminding me what's behing the HEA. There is supposed to be a reason for all the flirting, right? Your book looks delicious.
Oops, I meant, what's BEHIND, the HEA.
Enjoyed the post, Trish. Hope you're doing well!
Thanks for the post. Good Luck with your books. Cant wait to read them.
Hey Trish, I definitely agree with your answer. Can't wait to read the next in the series!
I think everyone wants a HEA.
Wonderful comments, folks. We'll see if we can drag Trish back from her jet-setting life to answer a few of those burning questions for you. In the meantime, be sure to cruise by our other guests' posts: Colleen Thompson, Brenda Scott Royce, and Kerrelyn Sparks. And look forward to future posts from Christie Craig, Lynne Marshall, Lynda Hilburn, and Sophie Jordan/Sharie Kohler.
AND don't forget to browse my website at http://www.tjbennett.com, read excerpts and reviews of my books, and generally make merry. AND AND, if you are interested in future events at this blog, be sure to sign up for my mailing list. One never knows who might show up unexpectedly...MWAH-HA-HA.
Oh! Thank you all for posting while I was sleeping! What a great way to wake up. Margay, thanks for being first! Kerrybookwriter, I caught some episodes of Angel, but I missed that time period. Now I must look a reruns! One word to describe my books? That's torture to a writer! Okay. I'll try. I think "Swashbuckling" captures the essence of the fun, adventure, humor and sweeping romance. (See how I squeezed in those other words.)
Men like these swashbucklers too, but go to my Siren's Song page first and download the "collectible booksleeve" aka mancover, so they can read it in public. And checkout the Siren's Secret cover as well...Same outfit, even cuter guy! (But that wasn't meant to be shameless promotion!)
Jenn Stark! I needed coffee before I could answer D&Ms (deep and meaningful questions). My surprise or "learning opportunity". Oy. I'm amazed at how much I still didn't know and don't about publishing. Incredibly touched by how many people were genuinely happy for me (even outside our amazing writing communities). And shocked at the depths of my own tenacity to go weeks with little sleep. As writers, most of us have day jobs, or kids, and so many other demands. Writing a book is like climbing a mountain (with different results on the behind) but it's like, if I can do that-under contract, under deadline-I can do anything! (except lose the results on my behind...but working on that!)
Marilyn Brant, where are you that you are so buried in snow? I can't wait to read your book by the way- "According to Jane". I adore all things Jane Austin! And I'm lively, witty, and compulsively honest too! I bet we'd be good bar buddies. Now, work. As great as it is, is hovering over me this weekend. All tell you all about that offline! Oh, there you. I found you hiding in the Chicago suburbs. That sounds very cold. Stay cozy, or get cozy with someone else.
You, know. I'm thinking per Marcia, that the one word for my book should be "delicious" or "scrumptious"! I think I'll add that to my site.
MJ, back to work. Donnell, thank you for your support and be grateful you're not around me when I expound upon the gospel of true love. KL, Speaking of, the most romantic place in all my travels...There is this little one bedroom sanctuary in Orlando I'm fond of...but the place were I met my match is very special to me. Yes, Paris! That's cliché isn't it? But I can't help it if we met there. He's American too. We were both working. He walked in, I said mentally, all right that's okay. He won't be a distraction. And I was right. Ten days later I returned home and told my friend I met "the one." (I thought that was a myth! But I knew that was it for me. And it was freaky.) Five months later and a lot of text messaging, we officially began dating. So now, anywhere with him is the most romantic place on the planet. (Sigh)
Trish! Love your "take" on romance. Can't wait to read your books! I loved Pirates of the Carribean and also Princess Bride. I have been waiting for your "day" with TJ here. She's a great lady (and a fellow Wildcard 05 of mine!) Anywho--I'm looking forward to seeing you in DC! Won't have a book out to be able to sit at the literary signing with you (mine's coming in Sept.) however I hope to meet you then! Hope you can make sense of this note! From a fellow "Albright"
Hey, Kathryn! Nice to see you at IMHO, and congratulations on your book. :-)
Folks, I can verify that when Trish says you will annoy everyone around you once you find your true love, she's right. Her and her fella are so sweet, but I swear, one time she let me read a couple of their text messages and I, a firm believer in head-spinning, mouth-grinning, koo-koo in love romance, wanted to FRO UP. But it was soooo sweet, and any man who can make my friend Trish smile like a looney bird gets my vote for the "Best Boyfriend Evah" award. :-)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on love, Trish. I really enjoyed reading your post. I agree with what you wrote; especially that love does transform and romance is nothing without love.
Congrats on the release of Siren's Song! I wish you lots of success!
Kathryn, great to hear from you again TJ is great, isn't she! Thankfully she's neurotic too! It saves her from being perfect.
I think one of my posts didn't post. So I'm going to cram here! Jannine, an Imagineer is someone who designs or builds theme parks, ships, or resorts for Disney. It's a fantastic job with super smart, creative, passionate people - but I'd still rather work in my pajamas. I include Disney stuff in my contests if you're a fan. Visit me in April when I run contests for the new book.
Pat, are you writing yet? Get in the chair! Sending back hugs.
Caren Crane, You look too young to have been with someone 20 years. But you are right. And any work is totally worth it.
Mel K. - For Siren's Song, I actually researched slavery more than piracy, and for Siren's Secret a friend pulled some research for me on Barbary pirates. But in the pirate world, and you likely know this, there are great museums in Nassau (home of pirates), Key West, and I think South Carolina. I also have a collection of books on sailing, pirates, history, etc. I think 90% of my research efforts don't get in, but they inspire. I love all that history. was your ancestor part of a thieving, murdering lot? (I mean that in the nicest way!) And did he/she ever reform?
Trish said: "TJ is great, isn't she! Thankfully she's neurotic too! It saves her from being perfect."
Hey! I resemble that remark. :-)
Anyone who says that they don't want love in their life are missing the point of living.
It's wonderful having someone to love, and it should always be fun and flirty!
Thanks for a nice interview.
Everyone deserves to find love. I will definitely be looking for Siren's Song on my next trip to the book store.
Thank you TJ and everyone who blogged with us today. Don't forget to come back Feb 4th for Christie Craig, the 7th for the fabulous Lynne Marshall, and check out the rest of the line up. I'll definitely be back now that I've gotten past my first-timer issues.
Love is the greatest the adventure, isn't it!
Trish Albright
Hi Trish,
I'm not sure if he raped and pillaged lol! but I do know he sailed off the coast of Virginia and married a British woman. I even know their names. He was prolific. Had lots of children.
Yes, there are some great pirate museums around. Have you ever checked out Cindy Vallar's sites? One is devoted to pirates and the other to Scotland. She sends out excellent newsletters covering both subjects. She's wicked nice too. It's been nice chatting with you!
Mel K.
Hi Trish, great interview.
I'm late to the party, Trish. Sorry. Loved your take on romance...you old softy you! Wishing you every happiness with your sweetie and much success with your books. Looking forward to the new release.
A very well said Trish. I don't think one can put it better than this :-)
Hi Trish,
I just love the cover of your book. I hope you are having a great weekend.
I absolutely loved this line, Trish: love is the promise of transformation. SO, so very true! And I've always liked romance, but I luv Love :).
Romance novels allows me to live in the fantasy world if only for a short period of time and enjoy the romance that only exist in fairytales.
I can't wait to read your book. I love a good pirate story!!
Love the contest. It's great getting to know new authors and books!
Romance is nice, but love is a powerful thing.
Hi Trish, wonderful post, love does make the world go 'round. I do love reading about those swashbucklin' pirates, and liked the excerpts I just read over at your site.
I love a good adventure! I think I've been hooked ever since I watched The Princess Bride. LOL
I can't wait to read Siren's Song:)
hello, i so enjoyed your post and love your outlook on romance. Havent had a chance to read any of your work, you are a new author to me but hope to snag something soon.
Sarabelle, thank you! Yes, I'm new. With any luck you will win TJ's contest! But if you don't... www.amazon.com...you know what to do! :)
Thanks for coming by, everyone!
What a great post. I never thought of it that way but it's definitely true that love is hard work but worth it.
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