Sunday, April 04, 2010

Well, hello there!

I swear I'm not dead. Nor have I moved to outer Mongolia. Not even inner Mongolia.

But I have been busy. I'm in the middle of some transitions, starts and restarts, all occurring at the same time. And of course, it doesn't help that my computer crashed at the most critical point of that, because my new side business venture requires, of course, for me to have a working computer. Of course. I have some critical software that will only work with Windows XP, so I had to have a new one built from scratch with the XP operating system. Dang, nothing is ever easy.

Still, I thought I owed an explanation to those of you who might occasionally wistfully check this page to see if I'm running a new contest or featuring a new author.

So, just to let you know, I'm planning to give away some new, signed books after next week. I will be presenting a workshop at the West Houston RWA chapter on April 10, at which time I hope to acquire a couple of neato-beano books from some of my favorite authors at the monthly booksigning. WHRWA has some killer authors. Already I have in my possession smash new releases by Colleen Thompson and Gerry Bartlett. Who knows what I'll come home with after next weekend?

When I do, you know I will give them to you.

If you live in the Houston area, come on out and see me. I'd love for you to stop in. Details of my talk, "When Your Princess Isn't Perfect," a discussion of personality trait characteristics for romantic heroines experiencing conflict and stress, are on WHRWA's website.

And thanks for stopping in.



Martha Lawson said...

Been missing you! Happy Easter.

librarypat said...

Hope you had a good holiday weekend.
Things always seem to happen at the same time or at the worst time. Hope your computer problems are resolved. I didn't think my computer time in the evenings was making too much of a difference. But last night the cable service was acting up and I was without a computer. I got so much done it was really sad.
I look forward to your blogs even if they are infrequent. My grandsons appreciated the "Too Late To Apologize" video.

TJ Bennett said...

Thanks, ladies. I was shocked when I realized how long it had been since I'd blogged. I'm a bad girl.

I'll be back more frequently from now on. :-)


Jane L said...

Hey TJ! It's great to hear from you again! I hate computer problems! we are sooo dependant on them now days. Have a great week.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Yeah, I'd missed you, too. Glad to see you're around. (Btw, check out my Rocks and Reads blog for my thoughts about The Promise!)

TJ Bennett said...

Susan! What a fantastic review of The Promise. *Blushing* Thanks so much.

Everyone, ya gotta read it:

Big hugs to Susan for making my day. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi TJ glad to hear form you! I know you guys stay busy and we understand! Just hang in there!