Friday, January 22, 2010

Psst! I'm giving away some random freebies!

It's our secret, okay? I've got some random freebies to give away, and I've even got one you aren't supposed to be able to buy yet...AND it's signed by the authors. But don't TELL anyone, for goodness' sake!

Here's the rules: leave a comment telling me which books, in order, you'd most like to win. I've got three, listed herewith:

1. DIVORCED, DESPERATE, AND DECEIVED by Christie Craig - The latest in her light romantic suspense DD&D series, autographed!

2. KNIGHT OF PLEASURE by Margaret Mallory - (unsigned); second book in the "All the King's Men" series from a new historical romance author. This beautiful cover was the winner over at The Season Blog last month.

3. BEGUILED by Deeanne Gist and J. Mark Bertrand - signed by the authors and not yet released in stores (I have connections, heh heh). What happens when an inspirational romance author and an acclaimed debut crime novelist get together? This unique contemporary romantic suspense!

US and Canada addresses only. Follow the rules, please, as only those who are eligible will be placed in the prize pool. Prizes will be awarded on Monday, January 25, 2010. You must return to the blog to see if you won, so be sure to come back on Monday.

Leave your comments now!



Virginia C said...

1) Beguiled

2) Knight of Pleasure

3) Divorced, Desperate and Deceived

U.S. Resident, Follower and Subscriber

gcwhiskas at aol dot com

throuthehaze said...

1) Divorced, Desperate and Deceived

2) Beguiled

3) Knight of Pleasure

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Maureen said...

Please enter me for


Anonymous said...

Christie craig
Margaret Mallory
Deanne gist


sarah said...

Margaret Mallory
Christie Craig
Deeanne Gist

In more of a historical mood right now. ;)

Anonymous said...

Anything, just love to read.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Gah. I'd love to read ALL of these, but... gotta make Mt. TBR shrink first.

So... no need to enter me, babe. I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.

donnas said...

1. Beguiled
2. Divorced, Desperate and Decieved

bacchus76 at myself dot com

baileythebookworm said...

Knight of Pleasure
Divorced, Desperate, Deceived

baileythebookworm at gmail dot com

LuAnn said...

Divorced, Desperate and Deceived
Knight of Pleasure

reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com

Jamie said...

1. Divorced, Desperate and Deceived
2. Knight of Pleasure
3. Beguiled


jcp said...

1. Beguiled
2.Knight of Pleasure
3. Divored, Desperate, and Deceived

Jane said...

1. "Divorced, Desperate and Deceived"
2. "Knight of Pleasure"
3. "Beguiled"

janie1215 AT excite DOT com

J K Maze said...

All three are intriguing and have just been put on my "to read" list. What I would like, in order, would be (1) Divorced, Desperate & Deceived, (2) Beguiled, and (3) Knight of Pleasure.

Thanks for the opportunity.

Joan K. Maze

Rebekah E. said...

1.Knight of Pleasure
2.Divorced, Desperate, and Decieved

Thanks for the great giveaway.


Sue A. said...

3. KNIGHT OF PLEASURE (I already have this book)

alternate email from blogger
magenta 2 red [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

1. Knight Of Pleasure
2. Beguiled

I have already read Divorced Desperate and Deceived and it was a great read! What a great give away


Martha Lawson said...

1. "Divorced, Desperate and Deceived"
2. "Knight of Pleasure"
3. "Beguiled"

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Margaret Mallory said...

TJ-Thanks for featuring my book!

Margaret Mallory

TJ Bennett said...

You're welcome, Margaret!


librarypat said...

1. Beguiled by Deeanne Gist. I've read her historicals and really enjoyed them.
2. Divorced, Desperate, and Deceived - A good change of pace from my usual reading.

No #3, I already have Knight of Pleasure.

sarah said...

TJ - Take me out of the running for Knight of Pleasure - I just discovered that I already have it... I just don't know where...

This is why I started catalogueing my books...

tetewa said...

1. Divorced, Desperate and Deceived 2. Beguiled I have a copy of Knights of Pleasure.

SiNn said...

1) Knight of Pleasure


3) Divorced, Desperate and Deceived

U.S. Resident, Follower and Subscriber

Carol L. said...

Knight of Pleasure

Thanks for the chance.
Carol L.

Carol M said...

Divorced, Desperate and Deceived
Knight of Pleasure

Thank you!
mittens0831 at aol dot com

PaulaP said...


2. KNIGHT OF PLEASURE by Margaret Mallory

3. BEGUILED by Deeanne Gist and J. Mark Bertrand

Thanks for the fun giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

1) Divorced, Desperate and Deceived by Christie Craig
2) Beguiled by Deeanne Gist and J Mark Bertrand
3) Knight of Pleasure by Margaret Mallroy


Jane L said...

1. Knight Of Pleasure
2. Beguiled

I will put only two, since I have Christie Craigs already!

Thanks and good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

1. Divorced, Desperate and Deceived
2. Knight of Pleasure
3. Beguiled


1) Divorced, Desperate & Deceived
2) Beguiled
3) Knight of Pleasure

robynl said...

Knight of Pleasure
I have DD&D already.


Anonymous said...

I would love to read the all 3 books in the following order!!:

1.Knight of Pleasure
3.Divorced, Desperate & Deceived

Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

bsyb100 at gmail dot com

CherylS22 said...

1 - Beguiled
2 - Divorced, Desperate and Deceived
3 - Knight of Pleasure

Thanks ~ megalon22 at yahoo dot com