A Golden Heart finalist, and a finalist in more than fifty RWA-sponsored contests, she has gained a well-deserved reputation for writing romance fiction that has both witty humor and a suspenseful, sexy tone.
Published by Silhouette in the 90s, Christie broke back into fiction in 2006 in a big way, making four book sales in one day. Her seventh humorous single title romance novel, Divorced, Desperate and Deceived (from Dorchester), will hit the stands in June 2010.
Her non-fiction book, co-authored by Faye Hughes, released September 2008, is The Everything Guide To Writing A Romance Novel, and their second non-fiction book, a humorous self-help relationship book, Wild, Wicked and Wanton: 101 Ways to Love Like You Are in a Romance Novel is scheduled to be released December 2010. Craig’s latest writing adventure is the sale of a young adult paranormal romance series, Bone Creek Camp, that will be published by St. Martin's Press in the near future.
While Christie has learned to laugh at life, it hasn't always been a bed of banana peels. Fellow author Teri Thackston interviewed Christie about her incredible journey from being a dyslexic high school dropout to becoming a prolific and successful author here.
IMHO: Christie, welcome back to IMHO! Wonderful having you here again. This time, though, instead of talking about Valentines and romance, you're talking Christmas. Tell us what you want most out of the season this time of year.
I love the smells of Christmas—the fresh pine makes my eyes swell and my nose run like a leaky faucet. I’m all into the Christmas music, too. I mean, who doesn’t feel the spirit of the season after getting the song, "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer," stuck in your head because it’s been played over and over?
The Christmas food—seriously, knowing you’ll gain ten pounds over the next few weeks is so exciting. I adore going to my husband’s Christmas party and meeting all the weird folks he’s complained about all year. And knowing that the other wives are looking at my hubby the same way I’m looking at theirs.
I love the Christmas movies, snuggling on the sofa with a glass of red wine, and watching the ghosts terrorize the stingy ol’ fart. Oh, and I really love walking two miles to get into the mall, in the cold, while it’s raining. And once you finally get there, I adore feeling the real Christmas spirit. There is just something special about seeing two moms wearing red and green sweaters having a fist fight over the last Tickle Me Elmo.
But seriously, I really, really do love Christmas. Why, when I’ve done nothing but complain? Well, I love Christmas because it’s about family. It’s about traditions. I know I’ve whined about those traditions, and while I honestly don’t like cleaning out the innards of a turkey, I love sitting around that dinner table watching everyone enjoy the food I worked so hard to prepare.
I don’t like having to fight the crowds at the mall, but I love watching my family’s eyes light up when they open the gifts—and it’s not the gift’s price tag, it’s the sentimental value of knowing I picked it out just for them. That just maybe I got into a fist fight to get the last one.
It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t have to carry around tissues for a week in December to keep my running nose in control. It wouldn’t be Christmas if there wasn’t the music and movies that I’ve seen and heard so many times. It wouldn’t be December if I didn’t have too many baby spinach quiches or those tiny barbequed wieners forced upon me.
It just wouldn’t be Christmas if I didn’t hear the merry laughter of children hoping their mom wins the fist fight so they’ll get the Tickle me Elmo.
Christmas and all the traditions aren’t perfect. They can drive us crazy if we let them, but I suggest you do what I do. Take a deep, pine-scented breath and through allergy-stricken eyes, view the craziness of this holiday with humor. Laugh. Laugh loud and laugh often. And more importantly, remember that the real meaning of this crazy hectic time is about love. It’s about family. Enjoy it and embrace those in your life. Merry Christmas!
IMHO: Thanks, Christie. Why don't you tell our IMHO readers which book you are putting into the Christmas tote today?
CC: A signed copy of Divorced, Desperate and Deceived, which I guarantee will help you laugh your way through the holiday stress—so make sure you leave a comment.
IMHO: Good choice! Publishers Weekly says of Divorced, Desperate and Deceived, "The action only stops long enough for steamy passion in this fast-paced conclusion to Craig’s contemporary romance trilogy (after 2008’s Divorced, Desperate and Dating)...Craig keeps the sexual tension as high as the suspense..."
Leave a comment for Christie for a chance to win DDD as well as signed books by Emily Bryan, Jennifer Ashley, Christie Craig, Carrie Lofty, TJ Bennett, and a $20 gift certificate from Amazon.com. We all know we love this time of year...but secretly there are a few things we probably think we could live without. Let Christie know what your least-favorite part of the holidays is (bah-humbug!). Don't forget--to be eligible to win, leave a comment for at least one other guest author this month as well (the more, the merrier).
Hi Christi,
I would love to read your new book, Divorced, Desperate and Deceived, it looks very entertaining! The picture of you with the "Santa" bag cracks me up to! You also look very entertaining to me! Look like a very funny lady! I would love to win the books and the 20 dollar Amazon Gift Certificate, and I would keep them all for me!
Hi Christie, I loved reading your post! You have so much humor in your books, your my favorite author when it comes to the romantic comedy. You are so right about this being a crazy hectic time and we should all laugh and enjoy it, even it you do turn your Christmas tree over right after you spent several hours decorating it. I laugh at my stupidy now but I was mad when it happened! Thanks for being with us at IMHO today! Bring on the laughter!
Hi Angela,
Yup, I can be a funny lady and sometimes I don't even mean to be. LOL. Thanks so much for stopping by. Good luck with the contest.
Hi Virginia!
Thank you so much girl. I love being your favorite! It's sort of like being teacher's pet back in the school days.
I hope you have a great holiday. And just pick that tree back up and keep laughing.
My least favorite part of the holidays is all the running around you have to do, whether it's for shopping or visiting. Some day, I'd like to just stay at home and have the relatives come to me for once.
That's sound like a good deal. I'm still trying to talk Santa into postponing Christmas for a few days.
Thanks for stopping by.
Oh, Christie, I hope you're successful! I'm making gifts this year and I keep looking at the calendar and thinking, No! I'm knitting as fast as I can!
Good Morning Christie, I am laughing so hard reading your blog! This is so my life and I DO love Christmas! LOL!
This year we are cherishing our Christmas as a family, our 28 yr old daughter had a frightening ordeal this week and had emergancy surgery yesterday and she will be fine!
As a mother it is your worst nightmare when your kids are four states away and sick or hurt! Our entire family is moving Christmas out to be with her next week! That is the true meaning of Christmas!
Happy Holidays to you and your family!!!!
Hi Christie,
Love your style!
I enjoy the season...really. But, one thing I could do without is a brightly wrapped gift from a person I barely know when all I have for them is warm holiday greetings.
That was a fun interview!! You're funny and I now need to read your books!! I'm new to funny romance reads and I'm enjoying them all. I'm also a HUGE series lover. I love most things about the holidays. I guess I would do w/o the shopping and gift giving. As a fam we have mostly stopped exchanging gifts. I still do DD of course. I'm not as thrilled with baking anymore either. If someone else would share cookies I prob wouldn't bake. We could use a little snow this year too, just a little. Gotta LUV a white Christmas!!! Happy Holidays!!! Thanks, Sue
I like this time season but I also have a hard time getting presents for people I barely know and adults who can buy anything for themselves.
I hate cleaning up both before and after the holidays (okay really anytime of year). :D But, it seems worse during the holidays!
love yoru books so very funny
congrats on the tis one an dgreat reveiews
Santa said it depended if I've been naughy or nice. I'm afraid you'd better knit faster.
Jane L.
Oh goodness girl, I'm so glad she's okay. And you are dead-on right. Christmas is about family. We need to cherish it. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.
Haha, now we know what kind if year you've had, Christie!
I've been there! And it's terrible. And if you try to pull something under the tree with someone else's name on it, to give to them, you always get caught.
Thanks for stopping in.
This year almost everyone on my list is getting gift certificates.
Hey, it's the thought that counts!!
Thanks for stopping in.
I know what you mean. It's so hard to buy for someone you barely know. But hey, isn't that what the fruitcake is for?
Thanks for stopping in.
You mean your husband doesn't do the clean up? Seriously, hubby and I have a deal. I cook, he cleans. And momma is happy.
Thanks for dropping by.
Thanks girl. I hope you and your family have a great holiday.
Shh, that's between me, you, and Santa.
Aack! Two of my favorite romance authors in one spot! Sort of like peanut butter and chocolate, right?
Anyhoo, no need to enter me (who'm I kidding? I WANT to read this, but the stacks in here are scary). I'm dropping in to thank TJ, since ya dumped me, Christie (and here I thought we had something good happening!). TJ sent the Win a Book e-mail.
And this interview's been posted about over there.
Love the cover, it's so cute! My least favorite thing about the holidays is having to drive all over the place Christmas eve and on Christmas day. I just want to sit at home in my pajamas and relax, but I never can.
CC, I loved the picture with your hand up that turkey's butt. lol
Hey, TJ and Christie!
Love the interview and I second what Christie said about DD&Deceived being funny. You'll laugh till your sides hurt!
Happy Holidays!
Let's see...the least favorite thing about Christmas for me would be...hanging up the outdoor lights. I know the kids love them, and they do make the house look pretty...
However, stringing them up is pure pain...I hate heights...so climbing up on the extension ladder is a real treat for me. Then, of course, they worked before I hung them...not so the case after they were put on the house!!
I'll help you eat some of those spinach quiches and barbecued wieners. Happy Holidays.
I love humorous books so must check this one out. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
The least favorite about Christmas for me is that some don't know the reason for the season and all they see is give me, give me and partying.
I also don't like the very bad weather we sometimes get and then folks can't travel.
Yeah, the eating of the food is my favorite part. Not so much the making of it. Also not a fan of the crowds, everybody seems especially grouchy this year.
But I do enjoy any excuse to get to watch A Christmas Story repeatedly.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Hi Christie,
still trying my luck to get your book :)
count me in please !
uniquas at ymail dot com
Hi Susan!
Oh, I'd never drop you. You are my hero. Thank you soo much for posting it. You are the greatest.
I know what you mean. We mostly have to get all guzzied up, and go to my Sister-in-laws, which is an hour drive from here. This year they are coming here. But it hit. Darn, I gotta clean the house.
I'm thinking the drive isn't so bad now. LOL.
Thanks for posting.
It's not a pose I really like!!!
Thanks so much for coming by.
Hi Faye,
Come on, tell them what you really said when you read it as my critique partner. "It's funny as heck. But your editor is never going to let you get away with that."
Love ya girl.
I need you to train my hubby. He only hung outside lights once. Of course, the neighbors, and I shouldn't have laughed so hard at his attempt.
But hey, it was a really bad job.
Thanks for coming by.
Oh, Jane,
You can have little hotdogs, but I'll have to fight you for those quiches.
Thanks for posting.
You're right, this season isn't about what you get, but what learn to appreciate. And we could use some blue skys in Houston. Come on Santa!
Thanks for dropping by.
Some of the food is over the moon. Some of it makes my butt look like the moon, too. But we'll not think about that.
Thanks for stopping in.
Never give up. Never, never give up.
Thanks for dropping by.
Everyone, let's give a rubber-gloved hand to the little lady for stopping by today and giving us such a great post! Thanks, Christie. So glad you were with us today.
Next week, be sure to stop in, folks, for a visit with our final IMHO guest of the year (and for awhile, as it turns out, since we'll be on hiatus), Carrie Lofty! Carrie is celebrating her sophomore release, so be sure to stop by for a chance to win A SCOUNDREL'S KISS and all the other great books in the basket, including Christie's newest release, DIVORCED, DESPERATE AND DECEIVED.
Until then, tah! (But feel free to keep commenting for a chance to win the whole deal).
I need a little humor in the books I read. Even the serious ones are better if there is a bit of wit and dry humor thrown in. I love the truly funny books that have you laughing your head off at 2 in the morning, hoping no one can hear you and think you are nuts.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season.
I want to thank you for inviting me to hang out at your play ground. Thanks, I had a blast.
Happy Holidays everyone.
I'm so with you. I love all kind of books, but I really want my hero and heroine to have a sense of humor.
Thanks for stopping by.
This book sounds so good I have added it to my TBR list.
The least favorite thing I like about the season is taking down the Christmas tree and putting away all of the decorations. ugh but since I only have to do it once a year, I manage to get it done.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and I hope everyone gets a lot of books to read.
There is so much that I love about Christmas, but I must say that I absolutely HATE cleaning up the kitchen after the big Christmas Eve dinner at my house and then the Christmas Day dinner at my mother-in-law's house!
Wishing everyone here a wonderful Christmas AND help in the kitchen! :-)
Would love to read your book!
tradingaddress at gmail dot com
I'm with you. I hate taking down that tree. It's like saying good bye to the holiday spirit.
I'm never ready to let it go.
Thanks for posting.
I'm telling you girls, you need to train those guys to the clean up!!!
Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks so much for popping in.
Good luck with the contest and Merry Christmas.
I love the photo. I've never had to cook a turkey and told my famaly I never will.
I love Christmas too, except the cold.
Hi Christie, I love the titles to your books and the photo with you and the bag is priceless. Did you have to practice that expression? Lol!
Bah humbug to Christmas displays in September!
this book sounds like fun...love the cover.
Hmm, I'm late to this post, but enjoyed it nonetheless. I have a weakness for alliteration!
What I don't look forward to around this time is endless shovelling and salting, but I do it anyhow because slipping on the ice is even less fun!
i haveto say first off thats a really cute pic and ur books are awesome! I hate when its cold but i wish it was snowing or least somethingbesides rain
My least favorite part of the holidays is all the stress it induces - a perfectly cleaned & decorated house; shopping for the perfect gifts & wrapping them all up; getting the holiday cards in the mail; etc, etc!
Happy Holidays!
My least favorite part of the holidays is when you run out of wrapping paper at 3 am on Christmas morning and your running out to the pile of newspapers you saved for recycling just to score a few sheets of the comics for the rest of your gift wrapping. Fa la la la la!
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