Friday, November 20, 2009

Even more Thank-y Thankfulness!

As mentioned in Monday's post, we continue today with messages of thankfulness from some of IMHO's 2009 guest hosts, culminating in the awarding of the "Thank-y! Thank-y!" tote bag prize on November 26, 2009, Thanksgiving Day. Here are more wonderful messages from the authors. Be sure to comment by November 25 for a chance to win.
Linda Warren

This Thanksgiving I'm thankful for my loving family, supportive friends and loyal readers who keep me going, who keep me writing. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

Linda Warren 
Deanna Raybourn 

Besides the usual blessings that almost weigh me down with their fabulousness--family, friends, readers, etc--I am thankful that I discovered the transformative power of gratitude in my daily life. I am learning how to find something to be grateful for in every situation, no matter how deeply disguised it might be. There is always some good thing to be found, some bright little ribbon of sacredness that I can wind around my finger as a reminder that things are never as bleak as they first seem. I fail at this a lot, of course, and I'm awed by how much I have left to learn, but I'm immensely appreciative that I have the chance because each moment in life--each time I hold someone's hand or write a book or sweep the kitchen or clean up after the dog or kiss my child--that moment is a gift. Thankfulness isn't just for Thanksgiving anymore!

Deanna Raybourn
SILENT ON THE MOOR –  March 2009

Teri Thackston

After a difficult couple of years, I'm grateful that my family is whole and healthy, and that we are each able to pursue our dreams. God is good to us, and I'm thankful for His touch upon our lives.

Teri Thackston
FINAL WORDS – Available Now
DEADLY CLIMB – Available Now


Margay Leah Justice said...

I'm grateful for each and every day I'm alive. Each day is a new opportunity to do something good with my life.

Pat Cochran said...

I am thankful for the comfort offered
to me by faith, family, and friends.
I am surrounded daily by the love of
Honey and our beautiful family. I
thank God for giving me each day to
share and for all the blessings He
has bestowed upon me!

Pat Cochran

The Scarf Princess said...

Thanks to all these authors for the wonderful words they share with us through their writings.

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

CherylS22 said...

I'm thankful to still have my parents & my husband's parents around to share our lives.


Carol M said...

I'm grateful for my two sweet cats that are with me now and for the cats that have crossed the rainbow bridge. I'm glad they were in my life.
mittens0831 at aol dot com

QLady48 said...

I really like reading the author's comments. Maybe this isn't a new idea you had but it's a good one. Health seems to be a popular theme. Thanks, Sue

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my family and health! Life is a wonderful thing! I am also thankful for all of you book authors that provide our intertainment through the years.

jcp said...

I'm grateful for my health and a eoof over ny head.

Linda Henderson said...

I'm very grateful for my granddaughter's continuing good health.

robynl said...

I'm very thankful that my breast cancer was caught early and that I made it through 2 surgeries and 25 Radiation treatments.


librarypat said...

Have read several of these authors books and am thankful they write.
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.