Saturday, September 26, 2009

You know you want it...A picture of Sept's IMHO gift bag!

As promised, here is a picture of the contents of this month's fabulous "Back to School" tote bag of love. Pictured are all of this month's signed giveaway books and the Magnetic Poetry Kit (the black fabric with the pink hearts is the tote bag, btw). Not pictured is the $20 Barnes & Noble gift card, but it will be in the tote bag when you receive it (providing you are the lucky winner). Trust me, O ye of little faith.

If you're wantin' it, you have to play the game. You can find all the rules on my contest page. USA addresses only please (for legal reasons; sorry to my international friends.)

Our final guest on September 30 is multi-published-in-practically-every-romance-genre-known-to-woman (and a few non-romance as well) Vicki Hinze. She's got a lot to say about what the world of romance writing and reading has taught her, so you don't want to miss out. And do check back with us every Wednesday for a great discussion with wonderful authors you should know. You'll be glad you did.



Carol L. said...

Wow T. J.,
The bag looks awesome. I' back on after fixing computer.
Carol L.

Jane said...

Fabulous prize.

penney said...

Wonderful prize,
Happy Monday!
luvhistoricalromance at gmail dot com

Patricia Barraclough said...

Looks great. A nice selection of books. Can't make up my mind about that magnetic board. It could get you into a lot of trouble. Hmm, maybe the good kind.

Anonymous said...

yep greaet set of books!!!!!!