Friday, September 04, 2009

My family is brilliant

Hi, everyone! I have been blessed with having some very talented people in my extended family, and I wanted to share the work of another one of them with you. Previously, you've seen the amazing videos on You Tube done by BookVideoProductions, which is headed up by my sister, book video and promotional materials designer extraordinaire T.S. Jackson (I will use none other). On my book video for THE PROMISE (see it and THE LEGACY video on the video bar to the left), you heard my amazingly talented cousin, D.D. Jackson, playing "Lushly," a haunting piece to which I never get tired of listening. (Check out his ballad demos, my favorites.)

Now I'd like to turn you on to another cousin, Cora D. Mitchell, a professional dancer, artist, and photographer. Check out her most recent image here, available for sale. She's a real beauty, and, IMHO, some of her best images are of her self-portraits (that's one featured above). If you get a chance, check her photos out on JPG and Red Bubble. I'm so proud of her, I had to share.

Am I lucky to be member of this family, or what???



Patricia Barraclough said...

How great to be from such a talented family. It gives you a lot of resources to draw on. Lovely photos.
Have a great Labor Day Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow what a great photo! It must be nice to have talent in the family!

Anonymous said...

Your family sounds amazing.

Carol L. said...

Very talented genes. Cora 's pictures show her talent so well. Thanks for sharing with us.
Carol L.